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Finding Autism using Mayflower Surnames to show Direct/Close Descendants and relationships.  These relationships have high crossovers/subsets of Mayflower Passengers over time and place in the United States.

Subsets created by location/time: The research done (see Group 2) in November 2022 and using the first only name with the surname of the MFP in my family tree provided for another name within the relationship (there were many same first names and last name of the MFP and I chose the one with the highest relationship for each same first name/last name of MFP/HP already given on the screen. The results for HPayne 1799- Children born and having a relationship with the families of the Allertons, Billingtons (Bolling, Boulin, Billing), Brewster, Cooke, Cook, Doty, Eaton, Hopkins, Mullins, priest, soule.  Ther3e are some that are tied to my mother's side such as Hanna Clark Rogers 1808 and the Tillys of 1571,1599,1634 and Warren 1501. Some such as Sampson/Samson are from the Joseph Rogers 1626. Some such as the Thomas Rogers 1560 and 1598 are from the Hanna Clark Rogers 1808

This is a subset of many of the MFP in a particular time and place without the chance of having children with other genetic racial differences. They have horses but no way of meeting other people. Not everyone had the money to take the train-continental railroad in the later of the 1800's. Subsets created by location/time again: The research done (see Group2) in November and using..... . The results for NPayne 1848- Children born and having a relationship with the families of the Howland, Mullins Standish, Tilly's--(this time on the fathers side), Warren--(this time on the father's side), and Winslow. 

These subsets are crossed over many times due to the low amount of racial gene differences. I have direct lines to the 1620's (What other direct lines-since 5:1 ratio in boys). The crossovers are intensified in this period of time--is this the trigger? If we had information/data like mine with regaregard to families with autism--can we see the commonalities of my baseline/MFP/Payne's rlationships and determine that a very good portion of non-hispanic whites fall into this group. In other words can autism be shown if we have group effort and looking for clues that go outside the norm. The relationship values and using a baseline has not been done.  In placing this on a website for all--it is my hope that it will become something. If the data shows that autism is prevalent in this way then those that have children with this background (research to show prevalence in certain DL/crossovers) then those children need not be vaccinated. My belief is that there are some children born with autism but others acquire it after the shots (around 11 months). It may be a part of the reason -- like a compromised immune system due to the abnormailites of 150+ brain cels are different (autopsies on those with autism-condition of inbreeding over time). The condition of inbreeding being defined as too many crossovers/DL (direct lines of same people).

Data Below: Data below is basically using my baseline of DL Paynes and looking up the last names of all the possible MFP in my family tree so all the Alden's.... starting with A.... and looking for other close DL  of MF passengers but also to include relations to the Paynes. Example: In looking at each last surname of the MFP and under the name looking at the relationship--placing the Payne with that person (surname, first name) in the Data area. It is to find clues for my thoughts/ideas about Autism and find more ... to possible truths . This may take teamwork of others/especially people who have family members with autism.  It is a different way to look at how we are connected in the past and possibly why we have more of this type of Autism. 


ABELL- Last name is not on MFP list but they closely tie to the MFP's.

 The Aldens (close direct line Payne to direct line Alden-12th GGF) John Mayflower Alden 1598-1687-by way of John Payne 1658-1718. To include David 1646-1719 11th GGU, Henry John 1510-1567 15th GGF Elizabeth 1623-1717 11th GGA Elizabeth 1592-1638 12th GGA Joseph 1627-1697 11th GGU Mary 1638-1688 11th GGA Lydia 1652-1719 11th GGA

The 15th GGF relationship value line is as follows: John Henry 1510-1567 Richard Alden de Scrooby 1531-1598 son George Joseph Alden Aldane 1548-1620 son John Mayflower Alden 1598-1687 son Ruth Alden Aulden Bass 1637-1674 daughter Samuel Bass 1660-1751 son Samuel Bass Blodget 1700-1768 son Hanna Bass Paine 1628-1688 John Paine 1658 my DL GGF

Question--Can we say that if any of these names are on a family tree and without much recent genetic racial diversity the chances for having a child with autism will have increased ? 

My direct line would be the Payne's but having close direct lines to the Alden's (1598-1687).

Below --the ones to be concerned about are 1799+ : HP 1799- /NP 1848-

My direct line could be traded for a different direct line(I do not have that information/# DL's).

Note: Group 2 Research was not done on MFP of 26-51 list so the names of Bradford, Browne, Chilton, Fisher, Fletcher, Fuller, Hurst, Jackson, Moore, Norris, and White might be included according to what I see in the same type of research as Group 2 MFP 26-51 list on my MFP paper.


( For the sake of Group 2--Research)--- Each of the Alden's, Allerton's, Billington's, Brewster's, Cooke, Doty, Eaton, Hopkins, Howland, Mullins, Priest, Rogers, Samson, Soule, Standish, Tilley, Warren, Winslow will show date of crossover--Payne and MFP.

There is one recent racial genetic difference-my grandfather's (Lorenzo Payne born 1879) mother is from Sweden/born in Kombo Sodermanland Sverige--Karlsson

The concentration of same subset of DNA is high after the 1620's landing but also in and around Kansas (Americans going West). I cannot see many of the crossovers that happened before the 1620's and not many after the 1860's because although my family tree is massive, it has not been able to extend much into the mid 1880's. I am always extending new wives by 2 yrs younger/husbands.... due to war, disease, divorce, childbirth.. Questioning-How many other people today can follow this research to tell a story--possibly find autism because of data. How can we use the best information to find answers in other areas (Florida's rate of Autism, International ..). It will either find answers or not. Maybe someday it will be required to have knowledge of your full tree--but more importantly how you relate to others in the past and the genetic racial differences.

Math by who it is not-Math by deduction vs Math by who it could be

Research theoretical looking for truths--


1696 Abigail--NP 1848     1699-1759 Abigail NP 1848   1725-26 Abraham NP 1848  1683 Andrew JP 1658  1683 Andrew NP 1848 (same b/dd as previous  with different parents)    1721-90 Andrew NP 1848   1720 Anthony NP 1848  1729-1804 Austin  NP 1848   1807-1874 Azubah  Harris Family  1723-96 Briggs NP 1848   1820-1902 Columbus Dew/Brightman-mom's   1690-1767 Daniel NP 1848   1720-1790 Daniel NP 1848  1753-1817 Daniel NP 1848  1702-63 David  NP 1848   1646-1719 David 11th GGUncle JP 1658    1721-30 Deborah  NP 1848  1802-1840 Deborah NP 1848   1708-29 Drury JP 1658  1693-1776 Ebenezer NP 1848   1755-1806 Ebenezer JP 1658  1788-1881 Ebenezer JP 1658   1734-1755 Ebenezer NP 1848  1694-1773 Eleazer NP 1848 1723-1803 NP 1848 1767-1851 Eleazer NP 1848  1592-1638 Elizabeth 12th GGAunt JP 1658   1662-1662 Elizabeth JP 1658   1623-1717 Elizabeth 11th GGAunt JP 1658  1867 Everett Chessman Dew/Brightman-mom's 1734-1820 Ezra  NP 1848   1732-1767 Ezra  NP 1848   1755-1836 Fear JP 1658   1696-1777 Hannah Wade NP 1848  1791-1851 Henry Bass NP 1848  1510-1567 Henry 15th GGF JP 1658   1762-1844 Humphrey NP 1848 1664-1727 Isaac Mercy NP 1848  1797-1835 Isaac NP 1848   1692-1781 Isaac NP 1848  1759-1845 Isaiah  JP 1658  1714- Jabin JP 1658  1702-1766 Jemina NP 1848  1762-1813 Jesse  NP 1848  1798- Jesse NP 1848  1674-1730 John NP 1848  1663-1730 John JP 1658  1718-1821 John HP 1799 1711-1729 John JP 1658  1716- John JP 1658  1698-1759 John NP 1848  1710-1712 John Briggs NP 1848  1682-1739 John/Jonathan Hallett NP 1848  1598-1687 John Mayflower 12th GGF JP 1658 1703-1704 Jonathan NP 1848  1686-1770 Jonathan JP 1658  1721-1801 Jonathan NP 1848  1627-1697 Joseph 11th GGF JP 1658 1667-1747 Joseph NP 1848  1700-1704 Joseph NP 1848 1693-1695 Joseph NP 1848  1718-1769 Joseph NP 1848  1753-1832 Joseph NP 1848 1729-1809 Joshua NP 1848 1724- Josiah V NP 1848  1760-1834 Josiah NP 1848  1738-1785 Josiah NP 1848  1714-1740 Judah Briggs NP 1848  1795-1796 Lewis NP 1848  1652-1719 Lydia 11th GGAunt JP 1658  1670- Lydia HP1799 1701- Lydia JP 1658  1730-1786 Lydia JP 1658 1752-1812 Lydia JP 1658 1696- Marcy NP 1848  1638-1688 Mary 11th GGAunt JP 1658  1699-1782 Mary NP 1848 1766-1801 Mary Harris fm line 1659-1667 Mary JP 1658  1693-1702 Mary JP 1658 1706-1787 Mary JP 1658 1692-1727 Mary marries a Brightman JP 1658 1725-1733 Mary JP 1658  1733- Mary JP 1658

1754-1818 Mary NP 1848  1710-1789 Mary JP 1658  1707-1739 Mehitable NP 1848 1687-1722 Mehitable NP 1848  1767-1830 Mercy JP 1658  1727-1807 Nathan NP 1848  1668-1702 Nathaniel JP 1658 1718- Prince JP 1658  1676- Priscilla JP 1658  1694-1727 Rachael Griggs Alden Allen NJ (John Clark-1710-1794 mom's) 1730-1807 Rebecca HP 1799 1768-1848 Ruth HP 1799  1736-1780 Salome NP 1848  1705-1785 Samuel NP 1848  1688-1781 Samuel JP 1658  1712-1757 Samuel Briggs NP 1848 1793- Samuel Rice NP 1848  1666-1681 Sarah JP 1658  1761-1817 Sarah NP 1848  1797-1865 Sarah NP 1848 1828-1883 Sarah B NP 1848  1710-1784 Seth NP 1848  1721-1779 Seth NP 1848  1741-1775 Seth NP 1848 1776- Seth NP 1848 1875- Stacy Dew/Brightman 1793-1878 Susanna NP 1848  1736-1828 Timothy NP 1848  1866- Wallace Dew/Brightman  1669-1729 William JP 1658   1697-1729 William JP 1658  1806-1900 William Seaton Harris fm line  1724-1813 Wrestling JP 1658  1673-1709 Zachariah  JP 1658  1701-1736 Zachariah JP 1658 1731-1786 Zachariah Crane JP 1658 1748-1833 Zenas NP 1848

RN: If HP basically missing from above is it with another name and/or location. If... has another member of the Baseline and/or DL of my Paynes-- broken from my DL and went ? with other MF names ?


1612-1659 Bartholomew HP 1799  1590-1590 Edward HP 1799  1553-1590 Edward Isaac HP 1799  1586-1659 Isaac HP 1799  1620-1620 Joan HP 1799  1783-1832 Rebecca JP 1658 1555- Robert HP 1799  1621-1621 Sans Norm HP 1799 1618-1678 Sarah HP 1799 1615-1655 Sarah HP 1799  1588-1633 Sarah HP 1799  1588- Thomas HP 1799  1505-1562 William  HP 1799 1529-1556  William HP 1799  1616-1699 Mary HP 1799  1781- Archibald Montgomery JP 1658  1641-1690 Mary Cushman HP 1799  1612-1658 Nathaniel HP 1799  1614- Sarah Allerton Ellerton HP 1799 1614-1655 Remember Catherine Maverick HP 1799  1582-1620 Mary Norris Morris HP 1799 1530-1633 Sarah Vincent HP 1799

RN: Many Allerton's tied to the same HP/Clue to many Allerton's marrying within the same time period of the early 1800's in mid America ?

BILLINGTON'S (this also falls under Billings but Billings will be done later)

1716-1733 Abigail JP 1658  1713-1799 Daniel SP 1776  1650-1711 Dorus SP 1776  1676-1741 Elisha SP 1776  1708- Francis JP 1658   1596-1684 Francis Eaton SP 1776  1644-1709 Isaac  HP 1799  1680-1741 Jane SP1776  1710- Jemima  JP 1658  1719- Joseph  JP 1658  1637-1684  Joseph  SP 1776  1716- Joseph  SP 1776  1686-1733  Mary  HP 1799 1674-1694 Mary  SP 1776  1720-1784 Mary  SP 1776  1705-1758 Mercy  JP 1658  1647-1648 Rebecca Martin SP 1776  1716-1748 Sarah JP 1658  1649-1717 Mercy Mary SP 1776  1676-1719 Francis  JP 1658  1639-1717 Martha B Eaton SP 1776  1666-1728 Mercy B Eaton Sabin SP 1776  1596-1684 Francis Mayflower B ? Eaton ? SP 1776  1651-1718  Mercy Mary Mayflower SP 1776  1712-1760 Content JP 1658  1677-1716 Lydia  HP 1799

RN: Only 3 HP 1799 (went to mid America)? This clue to more of a high dna for this line in mid america ?




RN: When looking for the DL Payne and the various Brewster's in my family tree I find that there is clumping of many names in between but also some that will start out with my name. I'm not sure why--is this more of a DL for a marriage with the earliest DL Payne ? I will start using * if my name is at the bottom when looking at these relationship values. Starting with after 1792- Martin Brewster NP 1848

Question if many Paynes in between the Brewster and DL Payne name does the child =non viable birth or birth to 1-2 years. Seems a little too common?

1720- Abel HP 1799  1772-1772 Abel (many Payne/Avery/Brewster)NP 1535  1736- Abigail Harris family  1702-1739 Amie Amy NP 1848  1760-1786 Ann  NP 1848  1727-1776 Anne HP 1799  1775-1840  Asa JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1793-1814 Asa NP 1848 1746-1750 Asaph JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1768-1789 Agustas (lots of Paynes, Avery, Brewster and 1 Smith/Lombard) NP 1535  1794-1816  Aurelia Lucretia JRogers mom's 4th GGF 1771  1633-1710 Benjamin Sr SP 1626   1673-1755 Benjamin FIL 6th GGUncle (12 Paynes/1 Brewster)  JP 1658   1697- Benjamin BIL 6th GGUncle (12 Paynes/1 Brewster) JP 1658 1713-1782 Benjamin NP 1848  1688-1752 Benjamin JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1796-1882 Benjamin NP 1848 1702-1740 Bethia JClark...  1800-1885 Betsey JRogers mom's 4th GGF 1771  1798-1838 Betsey NP 1535 (many Avery/Payne/1 Lombard/Smith/1 Brewster)  1747-1827 Caleb NP 1848  1828-1894  Caroline Maria JRogers mom's 4th GGF 1771  1843-1908 Charles KIngman (many Payne/B only) JP 1658  1711-1771 Comfort (12  Paynes/2 Brewsters) BIL 6th GGUncle JP 1658  1745-1822 Comfort (12 Payne/4 Brewster/1 Smith) JP 1658  1771-1815 Comfort (12 Payne/4 Brewster/1 Smith)  JP 1658  1666-1735 Daniel JClark mom's 5thGGF 1752  1687-1756 Daniel JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752   1590- Daniel JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1714-1749 Daniel BIL 6th GGU (12 Payne/2 Brewsters) JP 1658   1751-1776 Daniel  (12 Payne/3 Brewster) JP 1658  1662-1748 Daniel NP 1848  1694-1753 Daniel JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1780-1835 Daniel JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1781-1817 Daniel (12 Payne/4 Brewster/1 Smith) JP 1658  1721-1812 Daniel NP 1848  1705- Darius HP 1799  1764-1846 Darius NP 1848 1723-1752 David NP 1848  1664-1666 Deborah (many B/Williams)  JClark 1752 mom's  1721-1802 Deborah NP 1848  1728-1752 Deborah  JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1680-1738 Deliverance -Harris Family  1719-1757 Desire JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752 1728- Dorothy JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1713-1739 Ebenezer JClark mom's 5th GGF 1752  1676-1698 Ebenezer NP 1848  1766-1848 Ebenezer (12 Payne/4 Brewster/1 Smith) JP 1658  1724-1805 Elijah JClark 1752 mom's..  1732-1732 Elijah (5 Paynes..)HP 1799  1731-1755 Elijah (5 Payne/4 Hammond/7 Cook..) HP 1799  1733-1801 Elisha (5 Payne/Luther/Abell) HP 1799  1755-1833 Elisha  (12 Payne/5 Brewsters) JP 1658  1790-1790 Elisha (18 Payne/5 Avery/3 B/1 Smith) NP 1535  1809-1878 Elisha (many Payne/B) JP 1658   1834-1835 Elisha (many Payne/B) (2 died early in this family-there s/b a study) JP 1658  1832- Eliza Morse JRogers 1771 mom's   1732-1776 Elizabeth JClark 1752 mom's  1772-1811 Elizabeth (many Payne/B/only 1 Smith) JP 1658  1731-1810  Ephraim (many Payne/3 B) JP 1658  1743-1773 Eunice M LIncoln 1686  1701-1749 Eunice JClark 1752 mom's  1804-1882 Ezra  JRogers 1771 mom's  1692- Fear HP 1799  1648 Fear  JClark 1752 mom's  1709-1768 Francis (many B/Williams..) JClark 1752 mom's  1817-1906 Francis Augustus (many Payne/Avery..)NP 1535  1768-1828 Francis Gilbert (many Williams) JClark 1752 mom's  1809-1856 Francis Gilbert (from NJ many Brewsters(B)/Williams/Clark/Rogers) JClark 1752 mom's  1798-1800 George (only Payne/B) JP 1658  1800-1865 George (many Payne/B..) JP 1658  1785-1869 George (B/Abell/Luther/Hammond) HP 1799  1820-1863 George (many Williams) JClark 1752 mom's  1729-1735 Hannah (many Williams/B) JClark 1752 mom's  1737-1748 Hannah (B/Abell/Luther/Hammond/Payne) HP 1799  1740- Hannah (many Payne/3 B) JP 1799  1775-1777 Hannah (12 Payne/4 B) JP 1658  1752-1832 Hannah NP 1848  1528- Hannah Harris Family  1698-1761 Hannah JClark 1752 mom's  1710-1757 Hannah (many Cooks) HP 1799   1732-1752 Hannah JClark (many Williams) 1752 mom's  1847-1849 Helen Ellen Eugenia (all B/Paynes) 1841-1847 Helen F JosRogers 1771 4th GGF mom's  1788-1814 Horace (many B/Williams) JClark 1752 mom's  1795-1797 Horace (Bisbee/Oldham or Oldman)   JRogers 1771 mom's 4th GGF  1727-1810 Isaac HP 1799  1769-1831 Jabez (many Williams) JClark 1752 mom's  1715-1755 James (Cook/Hammond) HP 1799  1747-1835 James (many B/Williams) JClark 1752  mom's  1815- James from NJ (many B/Williams) JClark 1752 mom's  1697-1711 Jerusha (many Williams/B) JClark 1752 mom's  1710-1711 Jerusha (many Williams/B) JClark 1752 mom's  1738-1752 John (many Williams/B) JClark 1752 mom's  1717-1801 John (many Payne/Averys) NP 1535  1552-1622 John  Harris Family (many Fullers)   1705-1778 John (many Williams/B) JClark 1752 mom's  1766-1835 John (many Payne/Averys) NP 1535  1756-1763 John (many Williams) JClark 1752 mom's 1775- John (all Payne/B/1 Smith) JP 1658  1670-1672 John (mostly B/Williams) JClark 1752 mom's  1695-1776 John (mostly Williams) JClark 1752 mom's  1795-1868 John (mostly B/Abell/Luther)  HP 1799   1767-1834 John Otis (mostly Williams) JClark 1752 mom's  1720-1750 Jonah (Cook/Hammond) HP 1799  1766-1852 Jonah (all Payne/B only) JP 1658  1664-1704 Jonathan  JClark 1752 mom's  1593-1659 Jonathan JClark 1752 mom's  1734-1800 Jonathan (mostly Payne/Brewster) JP 1658  1705-1766 Jonathan BIL 6th GGUncle (many Payne/3 B) JP 1658  1759-1841  Jonathan (all Payne/4 B) JP 1658  1737- Jonathan HP 1799 (Cook..) 1705- Jonathan JClark 1752 (Williams..) 1694-1753 Jonathan JClark 1752 (Williams/B) 1629-1710 Jonathan Benjamin SP 1629 (Payne..) 1693-1767 Joseph JClark 1752  1765-1814 Joseph JClark 1752 (B/Williams..) 1698-1770 Joseph JClark 1752(Williams..) 1800-1804 Josiah JClark 1752 (many B/Williams)  1882-1957 KIngman JP 1658 (only B/Paynes)  1919-1988 Kingman JP 1658 (only B/Paynes)  1727-1727 Lemuel JClark 1752 (Williams/Williams w/B) 1729-1774 Lemuel JClark 1752(B marries B William/Wm w/B) 1743-1750 Levi JClark 1752 (Williams/B..) 1744-1777 Lois NP 1848 1787-1875 Louisa JP 1658 (many Paynes/B 1 Smith) 1654- Love JClark 1752 1611-1650 Love Lovi NP 1848  1727- Lucretia JP 1658 (all Paynes/only 3 B)  1809-1826 Lucy JRogers 1771 mom's 4th GGF (Rogers/Oldham/Bisbee) 1772-1777 Lydia JP 1658 (many Paynes/5 B) 1795- Mariah Farley JP 1658 (Paynes/B) 1792- Martin NP 1848  1684-1716 Mary * NP1799 (Payne/Hammond/Luther/Abell) 1740-1795 Mary * HP1799 (Payne/Hammond/Luther/Abell) 1745-1798 Mary * JP1658 (many Paynes/3B)  1707-1767 Mary JClark 1752 (Williams/B..) 1762-1805 Mary * NP 1535 (Payne/Avery/B/SmithLombard)  1720-1804 Mary JClark 1752  1703-1760 Mary * JP 1658 1831-1920 Mary JClark 1752 (B/Williams) 1834-1836 Mary JRogers 1771 (Bisbee/Oldham/Sproat/Oldham again..) 1747-1749 Mehitable * JP 1658 (all Paynes/3 B) 1772-1806 Mehitable * JP 1658 (all Paynes/5 B)  1778-1852 Melinda * JP 1658 (many Paynes/B only/1 Smith)  1769-1809 Mosis JRogers 1711 (Bisbee/Oldham..)  1805-1849 Moses JRogers1771 (Bisbee/Oldham..) 1664-1748 Nathaniel JClark 1752 (Williams/B..) 1637-1676 Nathaniel NP 1848 1664-1848 Nathaniel JClark 1752 (many Williams/B) 1790-1876 Nathaniel * NP 1535 (many Paynes..) 1755-1827 Nathaniel * NP 1535 (many Paynes..) 1709-1719 Nehemiah * JP 1658 (many Paynes/2 B) 1738-1751 Nehemiah * JP 1658 (many Paynes/3 B) 1776- Oliver JClark 1752 (Williams/B ..) 1829- Orrin Oren Owen Carver * NP 1535 (many Paynes...) 1832-1892 Orson * NP 1535 (many Paynes..) 1797-1889 Osmin JRogers 1771 1700-1797 Patience * HP 1799 (Payne/Luther/Abell..) 1769- Paul * JP 1658 (all Payne/4 B) 1717-1801

RN: Question:  If a list could be made of all surnames (first name also) with the asterisks' value/time and we could find mother's/grandmother's whose direct lines/surnames that link to those people/group--then, this is the group I would like to see if they have a high probability of having autism in their families with little or no racial genetic differences. May show high prob without racial genetic difference and low probability for racial genetic difference. Astericks meaning my name to middle in time specific Payne to the MF surname in my family tree at Which is 2 crossovers of Paynes and 2 crossovers of MF surname.  Maybe I am getting closer to finding something from data(there are 2 payne's Reno Payne and JP or  HP or NP and also 2 MF same surnames)?


1717-1801 Peleg * JP 1658 (Payne/Bass....) 1753-1812  Peletah JClark 1752 1750-1850 Pelham * HP 1799 (Payne,Luther,Abell) 1845-  Pemabe * NP1535 (many..Paynes/Avery)  1803-1882 PHebe * NP 1535 (many Paynes/1 Dimmock/B) 1788-1821 Pleiades * NP 1535 (many Paynes, 2 Dimmock) 1835- Primta * NP 1535 (many Payne & Avery) 1690-1720 Priscella JClark 1752 (many Williams) 1664-1741 Rebecca * NP 1848 (Bradford, B...) Continued after Research Notes-see below

RN: Great I can find my high DNA/label of GGF... for each surname of the MFP but what is concerning for this research--Finding only 2 maybe 3 surnames in the line of relationships. Meaning for my direct line I see my name then many Payne's and one other name like Brewster. This may show a low DNA/label of not much of a relationship for myself but it is the ones that are important for research--less surnames. The less surnames the more of a dna structure for the paternal line. I plan to create this special group of people/surnames of MFP so we can find Autism. 

RN: 4:1 ratio boys to girls by way of paternal line carries variants to male easier, may be easier for the male to receive the direct line of same set of DNA scenario (a type of inbreeding of same DNA over 400 yrs). Question: If NP1535 is in the data for many of the MFP surnames and it is correlated to the mother's (family tree developed) of children who have autism in New Jersey then can we see a common marker(my data with their data processed). Common markers would be for those in NJ vs HP and JP (those that  are in mid America having children with same sets of DNA). Can location and my Data show why ? Can we make a list of the NP 1535 .... and tie to family tree of women who have had children with Autism in New Jersey. New Jersey has a rate of 1 out of 15 children of having autism, while the rest of the country median rate is of 1 out of 45 but it is ever rising. Would autism in New Jersey look different because there may be more of a chance of the old line of surnames due to the connection of NP1535 which is connected to earlier times (times of relations with other earlier ..... possibly more of a multiplier in that area.

RN: If Florida and New Jersey (most Payne's were from NY) but travel could have placed the old Ancestors in Florida and New Jersey (hope to see NP1535 Nicholas Payne my GGF by way of processing/this research method in those states). 

RN: If I have 256 people(common ancestors), abt 2300 dna family and abt 5000 in my family tree that tie to the names of Alden through Tripp--this project will be long. How volunteer to match with same lines such as Brewsters... in their family tree should match up to the NP1535 or JP/HP so I can at least take a note of who is responding and how they fit into locations/MFP surnames. Then at least I may have some people that would be good candidates for the volunteer list to find....

There are so many more in the family tree such as about 5000 just of Alden, Brewster, Bradford, Burnap, Chilton, Clark, Cleveland, Cook.. , Eaton, Fuller, Kendall, Lombard, Rogers, Smith and Tripp. This truly uses my data skills and is a lifelong commitment to expand and contract a one Tree :)

RN: It is strange/funny that in ECD I see the "a" antecedent "b" behavior and "c" consequence as a way to look at the "why" in problems for my upper level behavioral classes at ASU. I find a way to exercising all three as a way to reduce each--It is a play with children to replace bx such as high pitch tones with growls in the "Lion, Tigers..... " child's play to exercise ABC. In a sense this same kind of exercise with time (the a) , how DNA plays off others (the bx) and the C consequence is also different by way of groups and lines of data(which is actually people) develop many facts/outcomes.

Question: If the extensive tree developed is my trademark used for processing my copyright of various information by way of DNA correlation/DNA like algebra math then it could equal to a patent which is how to show Autism. Can I own the trademark since it is extraordinary and bullt by my hard work and also work to process the data in a way not known (copyright) to find this DNA correlation to Autism (A Patent)? And many more to come? Is it a possibility? 

 RN: There are more surnames that need to be processed the same way( and that data to show more extensive data)--with RV correlation from the Paynes direct line. They are given in the Data that I am now processing.

1542-1596 Richard Harris Family  1525-1570 Robert Harris Family  1494-1540 Robert Harris Family 1552-1623 Robert Harris Family  1806-1871 Robert from NJ  JClark 1752 (many Williams, B)  1770-1835 Royal * JP 1658 1740- Ruth * JP 1658 (many Payne, B3 only)  1711-1807 Ruth * NP 1535 (many Paynes, Dimmock, B3)  1763-1826 Samuel JClark 1752 Williams...  1790-1806 Samuel from NJ JClark 1752 ( Williams... B...)  1708-1776 Samuel * NP 1535  (many Paynes, Dimmock, B4), 1681-1743 Sarah  *HP 1799   1745-1747 Sarah Harris Family 1721-1810 Sarah * JP 1658  1700-1736 Sarah * JP 1658  1782-1785 Sarah JP 1658  1832-1874 Sarah * JP 1658 (many Paynes, B only)  1775-1841 Silas * JP 1658  1725-  Simeon Simon * JP 1658  1751-1841 Simon * JP 1658 (many Paynes, B only)  1795-1800 Sophia * JP 1658  1772-1772 Sophia * JP 1658 ? 2 moms ?  1840-1865 Sophronia KIngman * JP 1658 (only Paynes, B) 1804-1847 Stephen Coffin * JP 1658  1735-  Sybil JClark 1752 (many Williams..)  1786- Sybil * NP 1535 (MANY Paynes, Dimmock 2, B) 1845- Syvia JClark 1752 (many Williams & B) 1812-1897 Theron JClark 1752   1867- Theron D JClark 1752 (many Williams, B)  1729-1815 Thomas * HP 1799  1656-1747  Timothy JClark 1752 (many Williams..) 1660- Timothy JClark * NP 1535 (many Williams..)   1725-1727 Truelove Harris Family  1736-1757 Truelove Harris Family 1760-1840 Truelove Trodore * NP 1535 (many Paynes, Dimmock 2, B3) 1596-1609 Unnamed Harris Family  1669-1728 William Wm * HP 1799 (Hammond Luther Abell)

RN: Since not many people will respond to questions about if they have autism in their family... I need to start a secondary research that will show high direct lines coming from mother's that tie to the JP 1658 and HP 1799. I can go into my "Data" names and see less crossovers looking back in timeline(less surnames more concentration of the surname--4:1 Boys/more male variants on direct line surnames) and use this to ask questions to my common ancestors DNA family but also my family tree with surnames (maybe about 3000). Verification is important--verifying the dna family with data along with high direct lines should be a good answer if the probability or % is around 70% I'm not sure since I am not a professional researcher.

To spell this out--the JP1658 on each data is tied to a particular person that had a type of relationship --shown on under each surname of the MFP so I would take that person or any other person above to reach the particular "data surname" and see if it is a woman and that there are less surnames as I am now recording in my "Data". Ex: many Williams.

RN: NEED to place maiden name first for all women in ever expanding family tree so I can get the RV process(es) done with more people of that particular surname/person.

Concern: It is kind of a mystery or maybe just the way the software works but the Payne direct line person that marries X in the surname MFP changes and it may be due to the constant merging of same bday/dd of same people within my tree(expanding but also contracting). Since I cannot see this change of say NP 1535 to JP1658 or whatever it is I am viewing this as a second landing of the same DNA but Ancestry is picking up a more current relationship. The way to find out is to keep a record of NP 1535 in a separate notebook for the surnames that I have done/will be doing. I want to find answers as to the changes and possibly the way relationship (lines) (1 vs another) look in difference for the same surname/first name of the MFP as I go along. I will be making past updates for this in a notebook and placing results after the "Data" surnames done. Asking--Is this 2 Paynes and 2 Brewster within this MFP/family member MFP surname/first name. Is there a high amount of DNA for this particular MFP/family member surnames. In future research one Brewster could be seen as relating a past Brewster in many different ways, it just the software is not set up for this kind of DNA math. The direct lines are not placed. I have a current notebook on written "all MFP/MFP surnames of Aldens and will create from that just NP 1535 notebook. I like finding the nitty gritty :) If it is to be found/useful ?

Information--NP is located with Brewsters Surnames (marrying into Paynes, Avery, Dimmock and 1 Smith/Lombard) Nicholas Payne 1535 is tying to Abel Brewster 1772-1772  Aigistis 1768-1789 Betsey 1798-1838 Elisha 1790-1790 Francis Augustus B 1817-1906 John 1717-1801 John 1766-1835 Mary 1762-1805 Nathaniel 1790-1876 Nathaniel 1755-1827 Orrin Oren Owen Carver 1829-? Orson 1832-1892 Pemabe 1845-? Pleiades 1788-1821 Primta 1835-? Ruth 1711-1807 Samuel 1708-1776 Sybil 1786-? Truelove Trodore 1760-1840 William 1715-1768 Lydia 1804-? Tuthill Tothill Tuthiel Dantz Sally Sarah A 1824-1833  Truelove Trodore 1760-1840 Mercy Knowles Freeman 1659-1745  Ruth C Sampson 1742-1822This may be useful as I have seen the date change to dl mid America Payne tie as I merge same person with same person same bd/dd. This happens very often.

RN: NEED to add names to MFP surnames/whatever first name in my family tree (looking for high dna family--without a use of a book or text/talk but also gathering information for my research into the "why" of autism. To spell it out I need to add other names other than the surnames of the 51 MFP  because they have very strong relationship ties/marriages (I see this in mid-America marriage bonds) through the software. This research will need as much accuracy since there is always other situations (affairs, adoptions, poor recordkeeping, my errors...). The names I currently will add would be: Abell, Avery, Bass - Blodgett, Dimmock, Hammond, Lombard and Luther.. I am sure there will be more. If there are millions of direct descendants try adding all these names/correlations.

William Brewster 1683-1768 JClark 1752  William 1566-1644 Harris  William 1625-1723 JClark 1752 William 1540-1583 Harris  William 1581-1624 Harris  William 1722-1726 HP 1799 (Luther Hammond Abell) William 1764-1789 JP 1658 (Bass Alden Seabury)  William 1730-1793 HP 1799 GN wife 7thGGU (Hammond Luther Abell)  William 1715-1768 NP 1535 (Payne Dimmock)  William 1789-1852 NP 1848  William Augustus 1791-1856 JP 1658  William Ezra 1843-1863 JRogers 1771 William F 1795-1879 JP 1658 GGN W 6thGGU William Mansfield 1726-1729 HP 1799 (Hammond Luther Abell)  William Manfield 1729-1793 HP 1799 (H L A)  Wrestling 1724-1810 NP 1848  Wrestling 1644-1696 HP 1799 (Hammond Cooke)  Wrestling 1594-1636 Harris  Wrestling 1650-? JClark 1752  Wrestling 1728-? HP 1799 (H L A)  Wrestling 1694-1767 HP 1799 (H L A) Zadock 1742-1811 NP 1848

RN: I am at a war to find how to copyright or protect my creative works which is my Family Tree-it is beyond just a family tree and has been diligently worked on for years. For another process (other than "Data" RV vs RV of Paynes there is a way to look at history/dates and find information about the 2 landings/2 sets of example Brewsters with Paynes/high dna persons/high direct lines-too much of the same surnames without others. The process is creating a line/draw a line and place all Brewsters from the "Data" in correct order with the direct line family to include cousins.. The second line/draw line would include same but also alongside the name of the Payne that has relations. There is not proof that 2 dates exist within a line such as NP 1535 and JP 1658. It is a belief that sometimes NP 1535 shows up because I have not been able to merge every person within to make a 100% condensed tree--it is getting closer all the time. I am guessing there are 2 or more dates/locations within almost direct lines to show this. The software is picking up on the closest Payne direct line for their information but both are correct--this is my strong guess. It needs to be proven. Each of these surnames need close to direct lines and find out the answer after the "Data". This may also be a way to detail information showing more than "two landings"-same dna over and over for other processes/numbering system for families that have autism. Good idea this started in my 60's --don't want to intrude into the 1800's.... Wish I could get a grant to find this group of people that have.... and the study could start now. A study to find information from them to correlate with what I have and will have. 

Here are the rest of the Brewsters-with marriage names .. (they are at the end of my family list tree using Brewster in the surname box

Lydia ? 1804- ? NP 1535 (Paynes Dimmock) John Jonathan 2dd 1774 1717 1701-? JP 1658 (Paynes) BIL 6th GGU   Mary Ann Griswold Fitch 1660-1750 Stephen Paine my 8th GGF 1629  W B B William Love b?1625 1645-1723 NP 1848  Tuthill Tothill Tuthiel Dantz Sally Sarah A 1824-1833 NP 1535 (Payne Dimmock)   Mary Huntington 1692-1749 NW 7th GGU HP 1799 Truelove Trodore 1760-1840 NP 1535 (Payne Dimmock)  Ruth Adgate 1671-? SP 1629-1677  Hannah Alden Soule 1689-1763 JP 1658  Fear Allerton 1603-1634 HP 1799   Sarah Bartlett 1634-1691 NP 1848  Mary Biggs 1725-1804 GNW 7th GGU HP 1799   Mary Bingham 1712-1768 JP 1658   Martha Bisbee Bisber 1802-1878 JRogers 1771  Elizabeth Bradford 1690-1741 HP 1799 (many Cooke Hammond..)  Mary Branch 1735-1825 NOW 6th GGU JP 1658 (Paynes)  Margaret Brister Winner 1774-? JP 1658  John Bruster 1697-1766 Harris   Jonathan Bruster 1685-1753 Jp 1658   Ruth Bruster 1700-1772 NOW 7th GGU HP 1799   Mary Johnson Bruster 1726-1815 WKIL 6th GGA JP 1658 (Payes Johnson)   Eunice Chauncey Dayton 1701-1749 NOW 7th GGU HP 1799   Elizabeth Christophers 1637-1708 JClark 1752  Ann Coy 1662-1715 SP 1629 Hannah Crandall 1718-1762 HP 1799 (Paine Hammond Luther Abell)   Eunice Crary 1740-1800 JClark 1752   Sarah Cutler Culley 1700-1736 JP 1658   Ruth Ann Fobes 1730-1812 JClark 1752   Hannah Freeman 1690-1750 NOW 7th GGU HP 1799   Mercy Freeman Knowles 1659-1745 NP 1535 (Payne Knowles)   Sarah Elizabeth Hill 1825-1900 JP 1658  Mary Holmes 1679-1761 Harris   Francis C Dr 1599-1647  HP 1799  Lydia King Clark 1738-1826 NOW 6th GGU JP 1658 (Paynes)   Martha Kollock Watts 1838-1901 JRogers 1749  Lucinda Mitchell 1790-1825 JP 1658  Eliza Morse Heyward Hayward 1832-1921 JRogers 1771     John Dr 1739-1823 JP 1658  Francis Hall 1555-1632 HP 1799  Ruth L Parker Day Clarksfield 1790-1840 JClark 1752  Love Lovi William 1695-1728 HP 1799 (Hammond Luther Abell)  Mary Gibbon Porter Poster 1831-1920 HP 1799  Patience Prence Love 1605-1634 Harris  Jonathan ?Ichabod? 1705-1766 BIL 6th GGU JP 1658 (Paynes)  Ruth C Sampson 1742-1822 NP 1535 (Payne Dimmock)  Sarah Smith 1652-1679 HP 1799   Hannah Starr Morgan 1641-1711 JClark 1752   Abigail Stetson 1683-1761 HP 1799   Mary Strong 1743-1779 Harris   Lucy Sophia Upham 1830-1899 JRogers 1771

End: Brewsters

RN: Best way? Find all families (autism in the family) that have (surname) straight direct lines to surnames of the 1620's and process as I have/will to find that they all relate or 90% relate and with regard to recent marrying outside the DNA pool of this kind. 

RN: Misunderstanding--When asking the Mayflower Websites for direct lines of Brewster, they give me their line to their specific Brewster going back to the 1620's. I need to clarify that I am looking for many lines that involves many Brewster only's. I will need to develop this on my own. Using Excel and the "Data" of each Brewster above, the one's that tie to one line of Brewsters will be documented as I plan to allow/place the correct Payne that line of Brewster. There will be many individual lines, which all will have the last name of Brewsters. My research is based on the surname/gene variants being passed down at a higher rate(boys 4:1). I currently have about 250 Brewster's in my "Data". There are many of the surname Brewster's that can belong to a specific direct line some tie to the 1500's and some tie to the 1700's by way of relationship with the Payne family. This can be used for finding double triple... ties to the same DNA surnames such as Payne and Brewster. There may also be crossovers of direct line brewsters. With time this will just look common, I'm surprised no one has done this. Mayflower ..... is such a big thing. My goal is to find a commonality of seeing autism through genes. It involves lots of little/big projects--massive family tree and many processes.

At some point, I would like to ask everyone who is in my DNA family and has the surname of ..... (MFP plus others that have high dna ties) if they would like my massive tree to attach to theirs in exchange for coming on board for this homegrown Autism research project. Required is to answer do you have autism, how and is there any recent racial genetic difference in the family tree--meaning different other than USA white ( I happen to have GGM-Sweden Karlsson and GGM part Indian E Chandler. It seems like this 6 month project will be longer and filled with............................................................................................................................

RN: Strange? There is no term name for those born that have "true" direct lines. I will term it "true" meaning that person has a father of a MFP surname say Brewster and all GGF are Brewsters up to Mayflower Brewster.  I have found the vague term of direct line really mean any zig zag line to Mayflower Brewster... It is a second project after the "Data" is in but I have already tried to ask a website for this direct line (really true direct line). I will try to clarify and that I do not need the first 150 yrs so they can remain private. Private or not because I would love to get the info on the DNA correlation to the Paynes. This True Direct Line can be played off of my 250 in the Brewsters--my family tree by way of graphics. Goal--eventually proving that high dna of those brought over in the 1620's and are in high concentrations in the Western Expansion can lead to a condition of inbreeding=1 type of Autism. There must be someone who is a true direct line for each of my surnames that I have been getting "Data" through RV process (a type of correlation math using software) ????

RN: Trying to get true direct male lines from the MFP off of a Mayflower help website I joined recently. The TDML for each surname will be challenging. I found one surname in my family tree that will pathway down to the 1800's I have placed "TDML" for males in my family tree including those not given by the helper.  The start was Francis Cooke Mayflower passenger-son Jacob Cooke married Damaris Hopkins. This "TDML" will allow me to generate a list and I plan to use Excell to place in date order each surname group. This will help create a TDML or close to a TDML. I am trying to tie the TDML with my family tree of surnames. Just using Ancestry records not what anyone gives me. I do place extra wives/husbands until I get a match .... or merge of same... Then again sometimes its just there but no children ties. This is helping to get a truer tree. So much merging of same....

RN: Continuing on  with "Data" but I want to start a section called "The Veins of Our Ancestors" It will look at the Cookes/Cooks/Coucks of the 1620 Mayflower John Cooke and carry all of his male descendants. I have this pretty much done just in one day, sometimes the helper shows more than what I have (such as she has a listing George L Cook/Eliz Griswold for Manassah Cook/Anna Stephens--can't find record). I have the next Manassah Cook in my family tree. This should be interesting as it is going off just my family tree/data from I have capitalized the first and last name with also a "TDML"--A True Direct Male Line. It will help in possibly looking for clues into genetics and Autism. Theory to Fact ? A possibility, I will certainly try, since I can.






Our Ancestors since the 1620's / Male to Male Descensions  and Their Close Family Descensions

Francis Cooke Cook Couck

John Mayflower Cooke Cook Couck--male to male over 400 yrs from one person= could be 300 "Cook(e) MF TDML just in my family tree from the 1500's to to 2023. Many Cooke's are from Nova Scotia and moved to New Jersey (highest ratio of autism for N America). High chance of many TDML of surnames for each of us over the course of 400 yrs. 

You then can look at other surnames of all the other TDML that will be developed and the RV you have with the highest DNA surname or strong surname relationship. There would be a problem of high crossovers over time. I will continue to show.... It's a great tree to work with :) Looking for clues.

COOK TDML, AARON JAbt 1865 - Iowa1930


COOK TDML, AMOS12 December 1811 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada5 January 1897 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, ANDREW B3 August 1831 - Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America15 February 1907 - Templeton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America

COOK TDML, ARTHUR Aabt 189523 April 1993

COOK TDML, ASA ARA31 March 1794 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America27 December 1868 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America

COOK TDML, BARSTOW25 March 1772 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America17 September 1809 - Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America

COOK TDML, CALEB15 March 1772 - Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada26 February 1853 - Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada



COOK TDML, DONALD WHITMAN PRIVATE16 October 1918 - Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada13 October 1944 - Netherlands, Pays-Bas

COOK TDML, EDWARD P1814 - New Hampshire, United States of America24 July 1892 - Huron, Des Moines County, Iowa, United States of America

COOK TDML, ELISHA W B1849 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth County, NS, Nova Scotia, Canada1925 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth County, NS, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, ENOS27 December 1815 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada28 October 1861

COOK TDML, EPHRAIM M16 January 1837 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada8 Jan 1908 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, FRANCIS CAPT1 June 1803 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, CanadaJune 1882

COOK TDML, FRANCIS1840 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth County, NS, Nova Scotia, Canada16 August 1863

COOK TDML, FRANCIS1795 - North Range, Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada-

COOK TDML, FRANCIS6 November 1804 - Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America27 September 1876 - Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America

COOK TDML, FRANCIS GEORGE FRANK1827 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada1915 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, FRANK BIGELOW6 May 1863 - Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Canada1935

COOK TDML, FRED Wabt 1898-

COOK TDML, GEORGE CAPT28 June 1799 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada1 October 1849

COOK TDML, GEORGE1793 - North Range, Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada-


COOK TDML, GEORGE CUNNINGHAM10 May 1871 - Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Canada21 November 1928 - Saint Philip, Barbados


COOK TDML, GEORGE SAMUEL28 September 1856 - Chebogue Point, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada6 August 1941 - Bear Point, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia, Canada


COOK TDML, HENRY HAVELOCK1857 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada1927 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, JOHN I14 October 1786 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada14 June 1875 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, JOHN1799 - Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America13 November 1860 - Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America

COOK TDML, JOHN Jr182326 August 1865 - Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America

COOK TDML, JOHN Mabt 1857-

COOK TDML, JOSEPH24 April 1790 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canadaabt 1861

COOK TDML, KING Babt 1855-

COOK TDML, MANASSAH CAPT7 October 1766 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada28 March 1855

COOK TDML, MANASSAH6 November 1811 - Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada19 March 1895 - Yarmouth, N.S. Canada, Canada

COOK TDML, MANASSEH24 January 1789 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada12 September 1842 - Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, MOSES PARKER18 December 1861 - Huron, Des Moines County, Iowa, United States of America13 October 1924 - Iowa, United States of America


COOK TDML, PHILIP PHILLIP1843 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth County, NS, Nova Scotia, Canada1866

COOK TDML, ROBERT12 March 1721 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA2 September 1743 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA




COOK TDML, SMYTH SMITH SITH SONYTH HATFIELD1885 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada23 Aug 1921 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, STEPHEN ALLEN3 January 1854 - Chebogue Point, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada7 June 1942 - Chebogue Point, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada


COOK TDML, THOMAS21 September 1787 - Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America15 February 1873 - Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America

COOK TDML, THOMAS CUTLER20 August 1828 - Guysborough, Guysborough, Nova Scotia, Canada26 August 1897


COOK TDML, VERNEN VERNON L SMYTH6 June 1909 - Central Chebogue, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada1996


COOK TDML, WALLACE1830 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada-

COOK TDML, WALTER17 June 1815 - Rockville, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada25 March 1897 - Revere, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA


COOK TDML, WELLINGTON S3 January 1869 - Argyle, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada1885 - Little River, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, WILLIAM A H Capt1857 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada16 November 1895 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML, WILLIAM BEALE28 March 1818 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada1880 - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA




COOK TDML ? Bdates ?, STEPHEN ALLEN3 January 1854 - Chebogue Point, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada7 June 1942 - Chebogue Point, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOK TDML ??, JOSEPH ? JOHN ?5 October 1834 - Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada26 October 1920

COOK TDML date says 1791, JOSEPHabt 1812 - North Range, Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada-


COOKE TDML, AMOS3 January 1749 - Kingston, Plmth, MA, Massachusetts, USA14 December 1754 - Kingston, Plymouth, MA, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, BENJAMIN18 May 1729 - Kingston, Plmth, MA, Massachusetts, USA25 December 1799 - Kingston, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, CALEB1695 - Plymouth, Plymouth, MA, Massachusetts, USA19 August 1762 - Kingston, Plymouth, MA, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, CALEB17 Apr 169715 Mar 1724 - Kingston

COOKE TDML, CALEB4 July 1727 - Kingston, Plmth, MA, Massachusetts, USA26 September 1756

COOKE TDML, CHARLES4 October 1717 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA29 March 1768 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America

COOKE TDML, CHARLES1608 - England, England, United Kingdom7 August 1629 - England, England, United Kingdom


COOKE TDML, CLARANCE SAbt 1871 - New Jersey-

COOKE TDML, CONSIDER Sr4 February 1745 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America20 April 1819 - Hardwick, Warren County, New Jersey, United States of America

COOKE TDML, DAMARIS ( TWIN )23 May 1703 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA16 November 1774 - Pembroke, Plymouth, Mass, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, DAVIDabt 1949 - New York-

COOKE TDML, DONALD ALAN Allenabt 1938 - New Jersey4 May 2005 - Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

COOKE TDML, EDWARD1607 - England, England, United Kingdom1 December 1609 - England, England, United Kingdom

COOKE TDML, ELISHA10 March 1716 - Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America2 Nov 1799 - Hardwick Twp., Sussex, New Jersey, USA

COOKE TDML, ELKANAH1750 - Kingston, Plmth, MA, Massachusetts, USA1751 - Kingston, Plymouth, MA, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, EPHRAIM Capt1 June 1737 - Kingston, Plmth, MA, Massachusetts, USA17 November 1821 - Central Chebogue, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

COOKE TDML, FRANCIS1690 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA4 May 1724 - Kingston

COOKE TDML, FRANCIS1726 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA17 October 1762 - North Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, FRANCIS25 July 1757 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA7 December 1842 - Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA


COOKE TDML, ISAAC18 March 1732 - Kingston, Plmth, MA, Massachusetts, USA1736

COOKE TDML, JACOB1618 - Leyden, Pays-Bas17 December 1675 - Plymouth, MA, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, JACOB II26 March 1653 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA24 April 1747 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA


COOKE TDML, JAMES7 September 1772 - New Jersey, United States of America28 October 1845 - Warren County, New Jersey, United States of America

COOKE TDML, JOHN JR23 May 1703 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA8 December 1744 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, JOHN5 Feb 16836 Jul 1741

COOKE TDML, JOHN13 December 1752 - Kingston, Massachusetts, USA26 April 1795 - Kingston, MA, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, JOHN14 May 1785 - Kingston, MA, Massachusetts, USA24 Mar 1799


COOKE TDML, JOSIAH14 May 1699 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA18 September 1752 - Tolland, Tolland, Connecticut, USA

COOKE TDML, LEVI29 April 1748 - Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of America21 June 1821 - Hardwick, Warren County, New Jersey, United States of America

COOKE TDML, NATHAN13 June 1775 - Warren County, New Jersey, USA4 October 1850 - Warren County, New Jersey, USA

COOKE TDML, NATHAN24 May 180718 March 1874

COOKE TDML, RICHARD1578 - England, England, United Kingdom-

COOKE TDML, ROBERT16 April 1693 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America20 January 1732 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America

COOKE TDML, ROBERT MILTONabt 1929 - New Jersey-

COOKE TDML, SAMUEL PAbt 1861 - New Jersey1925


COOKE TDML, SILVANUS1 May 1738 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA12 November 1814 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

COOKE TDML, SIMEON1809 - New Jersey, United States of America1874

COOKE TDML, SYLVNUS1783 - Kingston, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA-

COOKE TDML, THOMASAugust 1603 - Runham, Great Yarmouth Borough, Norfolk, England-

COOKE TDML, THOMAS30 January 1624 - Runham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom1688 - Runham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom

COOKE TDML, WALTER EDWARDabt 1926 - New Jersey-

COOKE TDML, WALTER S8 July 1901 - New Jersey8 March 1975

COOKE TDML, WILLIAM15 Jan 1715 - Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America18 Apr 1731 - Kingston

COOKE TDML, WILLIAM5 October 1683 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America30 November 1740 - Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America

COOKE TDML, WILLIAM1582 - Suffolk, Suffolk, England, United KingdomSuffolk, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom

COOKE TDML, WILLIAM4 November 1773 - Warren County, New Jersey, USA13 January 1850 - Marksboro, Warren County, New Jersey, USA

COOKE TDML, WILLIAM7 Oct 1742 - Kingston-

COOKE TDML KNIGHT OF THE BATH THE SCHOLAR SHERIFF OF ESSEX AND HERTFORD, ANTHONY SIR TUTOR TO KING EDWARD VIMay 1504 - Gidea Hall, Romford, Essex, England, United Kingdom11 June 1576 - Gidea Hall, Romford, Essex, England, United Kingdom

COOKE TDML PIERPOINT, WILLIAM23 February 1594 - London, City of London, London, England, United Kingdom1650

COOKE TDML KNIGHT OF THE BATH THE GENERAL O, JOHN SORabt 1474 - Essex, England10 October 1516 - London (Middlesex) England

COOKE TDML KNIGHT OF THE BATH THE GENERAL O, PHILLIP PHILIP PHLIP1448 - Romford, London Borough of Havering, Greater London, England7 December 1503 - Romford, London Borough of Havering, Greater London, England

RN:  I will be typing "TDML BASELINE" next to my Payne's (Father's Father's....) and "TDML" to the veins of my male to male descendants of the Payne's (Father's Father's..). Besides the "Data" project and TDML project there needs to be proof of Autism even if on a small scale. The DNA family (my DNA family tree) will be looked at for surname (I have already written about this earlier) along with other important surnames that could be useful(marriages within the MFP) to ask questions. Asking questions to members with is with 3 groups 1) common ancestors/bio family group-dna 2) dna ancestors/biofamily group-dna 3) overall family tree. In return I can 1st give then a TDML list of that surname-this will help to get the project going/awareness. If I can get enough info on the connection of TDML in this type of  DNA data I might be able to find strength in numbers (clues to autism). If I can label the person as a TDML then ask questions to just that group it will help. It hasn't been quite 3 months so I feel that I have learned much about expanding to find...


I would love to get some feedback to help with my project, such as if you have a tree with a TDML MFP and you have autism in your family/sister or brothers family please let me at least have a made up name(close to made up name) and contact number/email so I can document. I need to also have any information if there was a recent mom/dad... outside of the usual cacasion/USA. Basically to find information about a particular type of autism. You can email me at Someone needs to document all the TDML families with Hippa Laws in place.

Based on the information about the 1st TDML's done maybe "Autism Speaks" should research this project information in New Jersey (Business in New Jersey) with a concentration of families with family trees tied to the Cooks/Cookes. The ratio of autism is sky rocketing in New Jersey. Its not that there is a few TDML's but a vast amount within each person because of the past...... crossovers within 400yrs. At least we have one surname of TDML's labeled and in this website--more to come and "Data" to show time of marriage/my high dna for that surname. 5 times Autism increase in New York/New Jersey  from 2000-2016 see Rutgers finds a shocking 500% increase in Autism Pediatrics January 26 2023

RN: Another way--detail my own Payne TDML's and see my DNA family tree for patterns/clues toward labeling a certain type of autism/increase percentage to show a greater possibility of theory to truth.

Payne/Paine/DePayen- Baseline listed in old notes. TDML:

This and Below are old notes as it was the beginning of finding the research .....

Direct line of any Mayflower passenger will show that there a number of crossovers at a particular time in history/place in history. Your Direct line may be the name Brewster, Alden, Cooke. My direct line is Payne. During the last month of this research I have found many crossovers of Harrison Payne in Kansas during the mid 1800's. This research involves the theory that a high DNA of Mayflower crossovers will show a higher Autism.

Finding the direct lines and crossovers are pretty easy because I have so much information in my tree. It involves going into the and looking at relationships of that group of surnames from all MFP. Besides showing say a 12th GGF-Alden (in maybe 1 out of 50 that I look at), it shows small crossovers in one area of time/place. The crossovers show that a small group of Paynes and ( others-will list later) regrouped in Kansas. This may be another group of the 1620's group multiplied without racial genetic diversity. This research will be trying to show how over time and with concentrated same DNA we can have an anomaly such as Autism.  This next research will find all higer DNA for the Paynes/Paines/Panes/DePayen and crossovers by understanding the information on the relationship button with Other surnames will be listed with b/dd place and cross overs of MFP surnames or other Paynes. Probably take 5 months using Excel... Started research around 11/22/22. Since I have every Mayflower Passenger in the family tree I should be able to pick up on mostly everyone in the MFP trees (if they exist much). 


I currently have been working on expanding my DNA family/family tree. I am only interested in the paternal side and have been able to see that there are now about 14k dna matches with many common ancestors. I have over 100k in the tree--seems like so much more information as I place info everyday and merging to make a more accurate tree condensed. I have been merging same first name/last names (same person) adding women who were married again (placing 2 yrs ahead of husband) and likewise men (placing 2 yrs before the wife). Many people died early from.... The family tree is  momdeborah52 Payne family it is a public tree. This website is free and access to ancestry would also be free. 

My studies have been Special Education, Early Childhood Education, Curriculum & Instruction but I have been involved with the subject/studies of understanding Autism as it also is a part of our family. I received my Masters Early Childhood Development/Curriculum and Instr. at ASU and have worked in the field for over 20 yrs. About 7 years ago I started expanding on my family tree as I found out that I have a different bio dad. In my 20's and 30's I was involved with working with a high amount of data for the banking, accounting, payroll type positions. I have also worked on the Gila River Indian Reservation as an Early Intervention Specialist--Birth to Three (Ages & Stages Screener and some Evaluations) in order to get approved/services. It is my passion to see deeper into this research project. It is my hope that others will understand and possibly give more insight into the data/results. This theory could have questions from others and help to see answers about other problem solving in the area of genetics. DNA is used for crime, identity, physical anomalies and how to help. This data may help see the numbers of those that have.... and the concentration of MF or others to help in some way. It is a way to create more lines to see patterns within the lines of each person that has a disease, condition, syndrome. This is especially true if the dna is accurate and each person has the ability to chart over generations. It is a possibility to have more accurate record and try to see .....

It is a way for each person to have an expanded dna family/family tree so research can be done, possibly more discoveries can be made.

Here is my direct line-- myself 23rd GG daughter to Hugh De Payen 

RR Payne 1904-1980 LP 1879-1961 NP 1848-1941 HP 1799-1866 SP 1786-1849 NP 1741-1818 SP 1716-1797 SP 1686-1745 JP1658-1718 SP 1629-1677 SP 1600-1679 MP 1580-1643 NP 1535-1616 JP 1510-1551 JP 1483-1526 SP 1450-1505 JP 1420-1463 JP 195-1439 WP 1347-1393 TP 1327-1364 THP 1285 to unknown TP 1245-1285 Hugh De Payen 1170-1136

GROUP 1: This time period is when we landed in America or the time period before 1620 (De Payen's ages are before the 1620 and they are related to the MF passengers)

John Alden which is Christopher Webb ( & married __________) ties to JP 1483-1526, John Cook Coke 1563-1644 ties to JP 1658-1718, Edward Fuller 1588-1625 ties to MP 1580-1643, Edward Fuller 1575-1621 & 1595-1620 SP 1716-1797, Constance Hopkins 1606-1677 NP 1535-1616, Richard Moore 1560-1597 & 1597-1688 SP 1600-1679.

GROUP 2: This time period is after the landing in America ( De Payen's and MF ) Showing there is a relationship with Harrison Payne 1799 and these Mayflower Passengers but not high.

HP 1799-1866 Isaac Allerton 1586-1658

HP Mary Allerton 1616-1699

HP Allerton 1616-1699

HP Remember Allerton 1614-1652

HP John Billington Bolling Boulin Billing 1615-1648

HP Francis Billington 1595-1684

HP Mary Brewster 1589-1631

HP Francis Cooke 1583-1663

HP John Cook 1615

HP John Souls Cook 1608

HP Edward Doty 1598-1655

HP Francis Eaton 1596-1684 

HP Samuel Eaton 1620-1684

HP Sarah Eaton 1606-1621

HP Stephen Hopkins 1581-1644

HP Eliz Fisher Hopkins 1595-1640

HP Priscilla Mullins 1628-1692

HP Degory Priest 1529-1621

HP George Soule 1639-1704

JP 1658-1718 Francis Cooke 1561-1639

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 Francis Cooke/John Hayward 1625-1710 mother's side 

JP 1658-1718 John Cook Coke 1562-1644

SP 1716-1797 Samuel Fuller 1590-1626

SP 1716-1797 Samuel Fuller 1608-1683

SP 1626-1677 Stephen Hopkins 1572-?

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 Giles Hopkins 1607-1690 mother's side

NP 1535-1616 Constance Hopkins 1606-1677

NP 1848-1941   John Howland 1599-1672

JP 1658-1718 Richard More/Moore 1550-?

SP 1600-1679 Richard More/Moore 1560-1597

SP 1600-1679 Richard More/Moore 1597-1688

NP 1848-1941 William Mullins 1572-1621

NP 1848-1941 ?by mrg Priscilla Mullins 1602-1688 

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 Thomas Rogers 1560- ? and Thomas Rogers 1598-? mother's side

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 Joseph Rogers 1626-1678 mother's side

Joseph Rogers 1626-1678  Henry Rollins Sampson Samson 1604-1685 mother's side

NP 1848-1941 Myles Standish 1584-1656

NP 1848-1941 Myles Standish 1608-1663

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 John Tilley 1571-1621

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 John Tilley 1599-1636

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 John Tilley 1634-1705

mother's side


Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 Joan Hurst Tilley 1568-1621 mother's side

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 Eliz. Tilley 1544-1614

Eliz. Tilley 1568-1621 Eliz Tilley 1579-? mother's side


NP 1848-1941 Eliz. Tilley 1607 father's side

Hanna Clark Rogers 1808-88 Richard Warren 1501-?

Richard  Warren 1527-? mother's side


NP 1848-1941  Richard Warren 1530-?

also Joseph Rogers __________ Richard Warren 1578- ? mother's side

SP 1686-1745 Wil.. White Wryght Wryghte 1533-24

JP 1658-1718 William White.. 1570-?

SP 1686-1745 William White...1591

SP 1686-1745 Susanna Jackson White 1593-1680

SP 1686-1745 Peregrine White 1620-1704

SP 1686-1745 Peregrine White 1660-727

SP 1686-1745 Resolved White 1614-1687

SP 1686-1745 Resolved White 1647-1670

SP 1686-1745 Edward Winslow 1560-?

SP 1686-1745 Edward Winslow 1595- ?

SP 1686-1745 Edward Winslow 1627- ?

NP 1848-1941 Edward Winslow 1634-?

NP 1535-1616 Edward Winslow 1605

*** used for more of a direct line from De Payen to the MF Passengers --work on next

List 1:

1     John Alden 1598-1687 12th GGF JP 1658

Note: Can all MF families that have direct lines to the same surname/MF passenger create their own information like this and DNA experts can place disease/condition/syndromes in another website for medical professionals and researchers. This is another way for scientific data to expand and solve problems, become aware of the commonalities of common genes. If MF Families help to develop this and place the new information of De Payens in Group 1 will the relationships change and become more accurate. More importantly maybe those that are willing to help develop their tree and have a direct line to a MF passenger (same surname) and has diversity of other genes outside of the norm (certain people of a class/religion married same--white) can this be compared to others with mostly (certain people of a class/religion ancestry--white) Can we see some information about autism? Or....

In the future by having various direct lines to MF passengers (& De Payens) along with the relationship values (list 1) can we attach d/c/s (diseases/conditions/syndromes) to the person in a unique tree Could there be someone in the medical/DNA field to see something of merit that could help with solving problem or finding more answers rather than through blood work. Could it be a secondary way to see problems involving our genetic make-up.

I will come back and edit to add more of the Paynes GGF for my direct line to De Payen's and how they are tied to other MF descendants later. Such as with List 1.

This is a new Fun Project and creates the List 2--lets try the Paternal side of the DNA family (more variants are passed down on the male genetic side). It involves contacted another member that has the same info by way of search box and the matching DNA family. This Project #2 allows for more research to find information on diseases, conditions, syndromes and would allow for MF participants that do not have direct lines (same surname all the way to the 1620's) probably no one in America  do no have the info on the De Payen's before 1620's in their family tree to show better relationship values/genetic research. It is a guess but probably 60% of American are related to the MF families and do not have the direct lines.  To get started find a pen and notebook and place every odd looking name corresponding to the DNA person that you can find. I usually start with a higher cm and work down to 6cm. Some DNA families will have a small tree(sometimes no family tree) and keep going..... If you place these odd surnames in the search field you can find a possible match of a person with the same surname B DD. Contact them and place your relationship value and theirs. Keep going and iwth enough information you have a research project adn possibly knowing you have or have not truer ties ( family tree is close to DNA tree. Ancestry can tell you if the cm's are correct with the info you found. I found  a 10th GG  with someone in my DNA about 5 yrs ago. It was interesting how we can see out connections and develop more lines.

The start of Project 3 (even though I have not been able to work on List 1-holidays...) Since I have an abundance of Paynes/Paines/DePayens I will be focused on List 1 MF Passenger 1 which I am related by 14th GG (John Alden which is Christopher Webb) Can I go into the last name search and place Alden and Webb to merge-yes Can I look up by search box in my DNA paternal side the names Alden and Webb and ask if Autism is in their family-yes. First I will go and detail(expand anyway by adding possible more marriages...) for all Alden's and Webb's. This will be List 3 of names of people (using numbers to represent the person for privacy and their answers. It also allows us to see the number. 

The MF DNA website gave me info 300 million today are ancestors of MF families and I was looking up pedigree collapse. Before the time of travel "Sharks Upon the Land; Colonialism, Independence, Health and Culture" pg 182 shows infertility, low viable births and death at an early age (1700-1870).  Scientifically, we know that of the over 12 types of autism there are 6000 types of genes in the brain and over 100 genes in the brain are mutated (dna mutated by methylation  across the entire genome at birth and also during their lifetime (a person with autism). The enzymes on the DNA can change on DNA in different levels and there is a loss of function of the genes. Does this pedigree collapse have anything to do with too much of the same DNA within a person's genetic make up. Is this tied to autism? For the research done with the brains of those that had autism the change/mutation was the gene not the chromosome.

Question-If people with autism have the special abilities to perform certain jobs or have and interest in one area of expertise that outperforms the norm then the amount of genes that are abnormal to the ratio of genes in the brain is not pervasive like for a mentally challenged individual. A good article to read--Smithsonian Magazine January 2016 "The Early History of Autism in America" -- John Donvan and Caren Zucker.  Does the specific genes about 130 genes/6000 genes in the brain allow for the diversity in autism--in respect to what genes are damaged?

Continue-Project 3

The 50 other MF passengers will not be closely tied by DNA (may be some but not all). Since some of the Payne's in my DNA family were born before the families of the MF passengers I want to look at details of those MF passengers. Within the John Alden's there are many Alden's in my tree. It is taking longer because of the alias Christopher Webb. Of the 10 MF of 51 Alden is my close DNA family. John Alden 12th GGF 1598-1687. Expanding and Merging of Alden's has been done and could be detailed further at a later time. Questions for Autism and blood diversity has only been asked for the 1 out of 20 Alden's in my paternal dna. I still need to include " Webb". About a third do not give information ( so since some are maternal and paternal results should show pretty good accuracy). The problem is trying to get ancestry member to give me answers. I really don't know who they are so it pretty much is private. Later, sending the 51 MF passengers compilation with their other possible family members that I have in my tree (same last surname). I am detailing the info on them as far as how they relate to the Payne's (De Payen's) but only placing "little dna" for results instead of how related. If you need to contact me I will post something later. Yes, updating website too. Recently, I was told 10% of America is comprised of MF passengers DNA. My question would be how? It seems like the way we are connected may be more important in looking at this research--if at all it will show anything. Possibly a higher number than 10% and what percent has diversity ? What percent does not have diversity ? If groups keep marrying into the same MF families then what ? Do we get more gene mutations. Autopsies have been performed on those with autism and show over 100 genes within the specific 6000 genes  within the brain have been altered/mutated--why? Does this mutation have a cause for the varied types of autism related to which gene(s) is/are affected ? Since the gene mutation occurs before birth and dna can be altered after birth throughout the life of the child/adult with autism then how does age of the mother or a healthy immune system possibly play a role?

I don't want to dig a hole in the backyard after (what I believe will happen) seeing too many "Webbs" to expand/detail/merge and look at in my paternal dna  for more....  I will look at the 11-51+ passengers for a (what I believe will be) little dna/relationship value ( and get started with the "Webb's" later. Hopefully this project wont go into too many MF passengers that have strong ties--its alot of work. :( Lots of data/details. I wish/hope that Project 2 could be done by some other people who have lots of info in their MF families.

Question: If we had the ability to have complete MF trees and could ask the questions (Autism/Diversity/Little Diversity-Diversity may be in the 1700/1800's) could we see a pattern of answers that tell a story--MF passengers that were a part of the Alden's/ Webb's with cross overs of Paynes (even though minute) and with Project 2 added? 

Here is the relationship results from ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Isaac Allerton 2 people in my tree HP 1799 all are minimal

3 Mary Norris Allerton 5 all HP 1799

4Bartholomew Allerton  HP 1799

5Mary Allerton see #3 HP 1799

6 Remember Allerton HP 1799

7 John Billington HP 1799

8 Elinor Billington m-Moreton  JP 1658

9 Francis Billington

1596-1684 HP 1799

1676-1719 JP 1658-1718

1708- ?     JP 1658-1718

10 William Bradford 21 but some not included due to another reason-not in my DNA tree but used A Lincoln to expand my family tree (on moms side) to get a 100k+ in a  growing tree to merge more same B/DD same person.                                           1503  Thomas Bradford JP 1658



 William Bradford

1620 SP 1629-1677

1718 NP 1535-1616+++++

dates go up and down in

1731 HP 1799

1749 HP 1799

1766 JP 1658

1795 JP 1658

1812 JP 1658

11 William Brewster 15 but more in family tree (listing only those that have relations/listing relations if they are strong

1540-1583 HP 1799

1566-1644 moms side  JClark 1752-1818

1581-1624 HP 1799

1622-1719 (note this is John Freeman pilgrim name-

moms side FIL7th GGA ERogers 1694-1735

1625-1723 moms side JClark 1752-1818

1645 or 1625-1723 NP 1848

1669-1729 HP 1799

1683-1768 NP 1848

1695-1728 HP 1799

1718-1806 moms side ERogers 1694-1735

1722-1726 HP 1799

1726-1729 HP 1799

1732- HP 1799

1764-1789 NP 1535+

1791-1856 NP 1535+

1795-1879 JP 1658-1718

12 Mary Brewster

1569-1627 moms side JClark1752

1589-1631 HP 1799

1627-1698 mom's JClark 1752

1631-1711 MIL6th GGA mom's ERogers 1694

1660-1750 SP 1629-1677

1661-1742 HP 1799

1673-1746 MIL6th GGU JP 1658

1684-1716 WHW7thGGU HP 1799

1692-1749 mom's JClark 1752

1693-1743 Hp 1799

1704-1765 WBIL6thGGU JP 1658

1704-1777 W6thGGU JP 1658

1707-1767 NP 1848-1941

1726-1815 WBIL6thGGA JP 1658

1731-1811 MIL6th GGA mom's ERogers 1694

1735-1825 NW6th GGU JP 1658

1740-1795 HP 1799

1743-1779 NP 1848

1745-1798 NW6thGGU JP 1658

1762-1805 NP 1535++++++


13 Love / Lovi (male and female) Brewster

1569-1627GGMIL10x mom's JClark 1752

1611-1650 NP 1848

1654 S1c10z mom's JClark 1752

1695- pilgrim name WBrewster HP 1799


14 Peter Browne

1587-1633 NP 1848


15 James Chilton

1542- 9thGGF NP 1848

1556-1620 8th GGF NP 1848

16 Mrs James Chilton 8th GGM1564-1621 NP 1848

17 Mary Chilton 

1564-1621 8thGGM NP1848

1607-1679 7thGGA NP1848

1610-1687 SG(Stephen George Payne 1686)

1628-1664 1c8x NP 1848

18 Francis Cooke

1561-1639 SG 1686

1583-1663 10thGGF HP1799

1615-1661 GU8thGGU SP1776

1620-1671 John Washburn PN-FC HP1799

1625-1710 John Hayward PN-FC mom's Joseph Chandler ___

1634- Samuel Washburn PN-FC HP1799

1662-1746 HP1799

1696-1724 NP 1848

19 John Cooke

1474-1516 13th GGF HP1799

1515-1570 JC-alias Carewe HP

1526-1577 NP 1848

1562-1644 SGP1686

1568-1604 mom's ERogers 1694

1580-1651 10th GGU HP 1799

1599-? mom's ERogers 1694

1607-1650 SG 1686

1608-1695 9th GGF HP 1799

1616-? mom's JClark1752

1620-1671 HP 1799

1632--1691 SP 1776

1641-1657 HP 1799

1653-1692 SG 1686

1683-1741 HP 1799

1685-1754 JP1658

1696-1767 mom's JClark 1752

1703-1744 HP 1799

1716-? JP 1658

1730-__ mom's JClark 1752

1731-1805 mom's JClark 1752 

20 Edward Doty

1598-   HP

1637   HP

1664   HP

1671  HP

1697 HP

1716 HP

21 Francis Eaton 

1596 HP (Billington)

1612 NP 1848

1706 JP 1658

22 Samuel Eaton

1620 HP

1658 NP 1535 but goes back and forth+++++++

1663 HP

1678 mom's JClark 1752

1732 NP 1848

1754 NP 1848

1819 SP 1600++++++++

23 Sarah Eaton

1606 HP

1654 NP 1535 but goes back and forth++++

1663 HP

1695 JP 1658

1713 Neice 8th GGA NP 1848+++++

1737 NP 1848

Moses Fletcher Flecher


25 Edward Fuller

1588 NP 1535+++++++++

1628 NP 1535 +++++++++++++++++++++


At a later time I can place the relationship names  between MFP and the De Payens. Note there is more than usual lines with HP 1799 meaning ? Meaning more children born within the MFP ascendants and the Payne's but also include other info from my details.?? I cannot do the math for this.

This is a research program that involves yrs of developing --the family tree is needed to start this research project.  If the research shows merit then, the term " payenism" will be added to the dictionary. The term meaning -- A group of the same or close to the same. having children over the course of 400yrs and therefore producing  too many like DNA bonds that result in a diagnosis of autism--much like a partial in breeding but over much time. My preference would not to use the word "inbreeding". If merit -no one really knew. The DNA math is difficult and producing this research has been somewhat grueling. DNA math will come but if only I could have Ancestry check my paternal dna family with questions such as if I put paine payne de payen Alden who ever has strong DNA in the MFP... and ask if their family has autism/blood diversity/has a tree/get a tree. It would be so much quicker. Maybe 6 months from now someone will see something and start that conversation. This is just a theory so it is difficult for anyone to listen. If we see some truths about other data with autism this could also tie to it. I am not a professional researcher-I am thinking outside the box and using my knowledge.  Its important to try.




it shows the adding of List 1 (from #1 MF passenger to #52 MF passenger)for my DNA relations. MF passengers 2-51 also have many that are in my tree that are related to each MF passenger (such as John Alden 12th GGF also family member of John Alden alias Christopher Webb). They will also be included. Minute relationships from MF passengers to descendants may be just important in asking question (because they have a high probability of higher dna for a group).This research project takes into account the genetic makeup of the cm (centimorgan) and in this research it is looking at the mothers fathers descendants and how they are also tied to other MF passengers with the cross overs of other family (The De Payens from the 1500's to now to other MF passengers) It is not looking at the fathers line (of the child who has autism) descendants/ascendants or the mother's(of the child who has autism)  mother line of genetic make up. This is 1/4  but most genetic information of variants are passed on by the male and the De Payen's have records from long ago. The research can be done (they are the ones along with MF passengers that I am trying to find possible density of same genes). 

There is some questions also to ask/tell about the family tree--Why was A Lincoln added to mothers side in family tree(the dna family tree is abt 1/2 the size. Answer: To develop a very large family tree as there are many more records and therefore I can merge people with same b dd and have a truer tree/show relationships to exclude the one I see with mothers/mother/mother to work with my research. It is very difficult to work out the numbers but it can be done for everyone. Concern: There will be some information that is inaccurate due to adoptions/ affairs.... inaccurate answers.

Uncle Don Fehrenbacher/Fehrenbach -- Pulitzer Prize for Lincoln..... many books... 

Perry my mom's dad had 2 wives, 1st wife went off to be an actress/dancer and was famous?  Perry wanted to be a minister hmmmmm Perry's brother married Perrys 2nd wifes sister. So same dna shows up. I wanted to expand tree and I can't find 2nd wifes fathers dna/common ancestors while MJ Harris Grandparents show in my dna family. Lincoln allows for many many records to come together. Helpful in merging, lots of merging to 1 tree.

Concern: When looking at the paternal side at " Thru Lines" some of the GG and GG have too many correlations (possibly cousin marrying cousin). Perrys 2nd wife and Burls wife were 1/2 sisters. No marriage with 2nd wife.

Autism-1 out of 54 fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. Boys 4:1 (more variants going across male gender?) The cost is abt 461 Billion a year in care from our US Government. Ponder/theory for high/low  rates: Florida families move there to get services all year (weather), RI certain groups of higher society marry same over and over--same for Maryland, TX less more of an influx of diversity (Latins..). What other theories for rate differences? 

When thinking about my bio dad's family Paynes/De Payen's I notice that the DNA is before 1620 for some MF passengers and in looking at the MFP 2-10 I see that there are more MF ascendants married to more Payne's in my direct line (see 2-10 above and will continue later 11-51+). The Payne's were from Rhode Island and maybe some stayed and were with same families/religion of MFP. Is this why RI has a high amount of autism spilling over to Maryland. Some people do not move or can't move (no train, plane, car). What if  HP and LP around the 1800's (state of Kansas) crossed over the US in a covered wagon and other MF families also. What if they all remained in one area having children. What if autism was more prevalent after so many people with about the same dna were in one area--like Kansas. Like HP 1799. No car, train, plane, beach to see others of diversity. So far I see JP 1658 with a lot of the Bradford families. The combinations will become more clear. Outside the Payne family there are also combinations. I read that in some places of ethnicity it varies for autism -- is it high when the DNA is not able to mix/low when there is more blood diversity? In high inbreeding--high load of homozygous deleterious variants can be risk factor for autism and paternal side passes the most variants. Prevalance for autism is most high in the non hispanic whites in America. In my De Payen families the MF families are all tied to the Paynes by blood in some way and for some many many ways. This is a way to see as probable of a cause we can through-- DNA family tree/ family tree relations(may be ok to use pattern of one offset by another just to show a value)/math of other information to think about... I hope in the next 20yrs I do not have to read 1:40 have autism in America and 1:20 have autism in Qatar. If we can see truth in any research then maybe we can at least become aware of something that we are doing that is wrong. Within the DNA of a person with Autism the ability to see who in the family has the most genes with what parent is common. By looking at each family member and recognizing... the truth may show that the one that has the autism is more closely related to the one parent that has more of a dense MF family. 


More Importantly because this family tree -- The Payne family tree has all MF passengers and the line of the De Payen's it can work as a template (my family tree is develop/added/merged for more information) for anyone with one of the MF passengers or Payne's. It can be given to those that want probable answers as to why they have autism in their family. The theory of one person with a family that has autism to compare genetics over 400yrs with other families that have austim in there family. The theory then becomes more of truth if we work as a team to get answers.

ok, working on Love Brewster and relationship/my ties tomorrow 12/6/22 #13 of 51 MFP and need to list ancestry on my mom's fathers side with names/bdd date. 

Possibly in 2023 I can have (would have developed possibly by a number system) a template to use on the GGF's wife's each parent working from Reno Rawlton Payne born 1904-1980 (my bio dad) all the way to Hugh De Payen my 23rd GGF


Working with the least amount of data to produce results. Families with autism that have a MF family tree dating back to the Alden''s such as my 12th GGF and using a template to see same value relationships and ask about race diversity, compare person that has Autism with parents data. See if other siblings without the diagnosis have data that is less with the parent with less MF DNA. 


Volunteer from families with autism to be a part of a research study and genealogist will help develop the family tree and see if results have clues for if ....

Note: Pilgrim names need to be included such as Webb for the Aldens and if overly represented if constituted as having more probability of  MFP DNA such as the Aldens.

Other pilgrim names are:___________________________

RN: Looking at an article from Pub Med Central "Both Rare and Common Genetic Variants Contribute to Autism in the Faroe Islands" -- reason for autism--a place of low travel/less chance to meet others outside the same...?

Thoughts over the holidays--I consider my ancestry to the Payne's past equal to a direct line descendants of the MFP but maybe stronger because they start before the 1620's and are related to many MFP's. In the new research finding all Payne's relationships/relationship values and crossovers (2nd set --1620 then again in 1820's) of same DNA family intensified in/around Kansas). Maybe I will find more questioning/answers when producing data. The first step is to go from Reno Payne (my dad) 1904-1980 to Nicholas Payne 1592- showing much information using Excel to move around information for questioning (at a later time).  The second step is to look at all Paynes to find all relationships/relationship values and crossovers--what surnames and maiden names could qualify for this set of MFP's that are not the direct line (this is vague--because it is according to whoever is the  direct line(s) doing the process/research). 

Questioning--If too much male variants on the father's side is the same dna (direct line--is the direct line the carrier?) and there are crossovers (1620 and also 1820's double the Paynes or who ever the DL is) of others (by way of mother/husband--in my case) could you have a high probability of Autism for your children. Is this why the 5:1 ratio--that you have a boy likier to have autism and it is likier to be more severe with having the traits of autism. Is it the 1620's group of MFP DNA and Group of 1820's group of MFP along with a fathers direct line (carrier) causing a trigger to Autism if there are no genetic racial differences. Can this be said for other direct line (carriers). Can this direct line be developed since they are not affected by Autism (have the ability to socialized/reproduce) but have children with Autism. Since the PubMed article .2% Autism in Israel July 2017 has risen 170% would there be documentation of genetic history of ... with direct lines dating back a few hundred years? Thoughts--could there be a remission and reprise such as __________ Chandler my ancestor not a part of the MFP DNA and ___________Karlsson from another country. It is my belief there is too much of the same DNA and trigger causing genetic abnormalities. I will be working with data today.


Data: De    Payen Family and Mayflower Families
Common Ancestors in Thru Lines with as of 11/27/22 Proven by number of hits-RRP 4, Lorenzo P 4 Nelson P 4 Harrison P 25&25 Stephen P 46&46 Nathaniel P 75&75 Stephen Paine/Thornton 19&19 Others:  Wigner Wagner, Wigner Marshall,  Wigner Cunningham,  Wiegner Shults Scholtze,  31&31, Emig Emich Nicols Nicholas 41&43, Tap Handyshel 21&24, Angell Hammond, Hartwell Luce, Hartwell Davis, Wigner or Weigner Emig,  Cunningham Handyshel, Windser Mathewson, Angell Winsor

Research: Since my tree holds all the MF Passengers(most are from my fathers side) should there be a study to see if the currient MF families with the above names have more autism? This is without the varied genetics of say an interracial marriage. 

Number of Paternal DNA families with is 14, 843 

Number of Maternal DNA families with is _______ I have Clarks, Rogers from MF passengers. Another pjct
Common Ancestors from 6cm (centimorgans) to over 1928cm showing 220 from fathers side
Counted paternal dna families that are colored coated (burgandy) separated from maternal (yellow) also have some with both 

Question to a professional researcher- if the yellow and burgundy color coated (separating by parent-burgundy father/ yellow mother) show a higher number of autism or also if the paternal dna match with a high cm not correlating with how the tree looks can also show a higher number of families with autism There are some unassigned such as 1, 740 but many have double colors.
History of research
Within each Mayflower passenger(51) I can see what relationship I have and also the compounding of families in the 1700's= crossing over and having families with the De Payens again and there are other MF families crossing over. Some questions arise on other countries that have high autism rates and possibly a more severity of autism. Qatar has a less diverse gene pool (higher rates 1 in five go to public schools) while France has a more diverse gene pool (lower rates). As Americans, most of us are living check by check and do not travel much out of our local areas. For the de Payens they married  within the Christian religion/church and their group of friends/family ties as shown in Group 1. Does Qatar also have a family tree to see if within a certain time period the same pool of genes are causing autism and possibly more infertility problems. Is it for a shorter time (less than 400ys) most of their children do not attend public schools because possibly they have a more severe kind of autism? If there are more than a dozen types of Autism could this same gene pooling be one of them-too much of the same genes causing a condition rater than syndrome of inbreeding. For many family ASD is multiplied. If we had families that are still wanting more children and offered them the ability to add another dna (yes it can be done) then will autism not exist for the children to come for that family. How can we find data using data? It will take a group effort and understanding of how much MF and DePayen genes we have and if the rate of autism is high for the concentrated amount of same genes compared to those with diverse genes. It involves looking at the last 400yrs through an extended research of a families line (De Payen) and various other MF passenger lines. When looking into cord blood we change ... by going backwards to fix... but with dna we can also change a persons dna (different ways) to change ? for people with autism--is this also a possibility? Would this be better earlier than later in life?

Area; For Public to provide questioning with not yet answers or expand on this theory

Area: Provide charity to continue website and list how I related to each MF passenger

Area: Suggestions for finding answers and Feedback

Question: Do you think that Autism will grow over the next 100 yrs and the government will have more difficulty paying for all the services and years of Social Security? I was told by Dr Raun Melmed that someone will come up with an answer (maybe just one of the over 12 types of Autism) but its something that they have not thought of. I am just trying and hope my Mayflower families will understand this and try also.

Thoughts of other Experiences: Within Infertility challenges many families have children born ( IVF and or IVF-Gift) with Autism, it is a higher rate than normal Looking at the questions and data to reveal anything with merit there needs to be an attaching question-- autism was noticed at birth or after 10 months? Is there a trigger for autism to happen to families that have children that are not born with autism? Can people have triggers to cause more of a condition to happen? Idk but could be researched

Further dev: no cost or just charity to help with my time since I cant get a grant from ASU so they say. Or they cant understand me . I have fam mem to help  with the website and place more info later. May take a while to get this going and someday maybe ????

Note: need 15cm to 6cm "unassigned matches"  color coating to do/many have both colors Yellow and Burgundy M/F compared to the general matches. Is this why has them labeled "Unassigned" or they are not up to date?

need relationship of each MF passenger to me and them to be listed

Now -- find correct person of de payen for the mf passengers for group 2 and place info above such as NP and JP with...

Note: If I can see how I relate to each MF passenger than others should see a concentration of MF passengers or not

Group 1 Before the 1600's 


This area will show MF Passengers that an increased DNA probability

Notes: Clump all together here and keep it but place individual data below also at a later time.

1 John Alden/Christopher Webb 1609-1671--related by John Payne my 14th GG1483-1526 and relationship is 6th c 8x But 1 John Alden 1598-1687 is my 12th GG by John Payne 1658-1718 and 1 John Alden 1626-1702 is my 11th GG Uncle by way of JP 1658-1718 and John Alden 1674-1730 is my 2nd c 6x by NP 1848-1941

1 John Alden 

2 Isaac Allerton

3 Mary (Norris) Allerton

4 Bartholomew Allerton

5 Mary Allerton

6 Remember Allerton

7 John Billington- Bolling- Boulin- Billing 

8 Elinor Billington

9 Francis Billington

10 William Bradford 

11 William Brewster

12 Mary Brewster

13 Love Brewster

14 Peter Browne

15 James Chilton

16 Mrs James Chilton

17 Mary Chilton

18 Francis Cooke

19 John Cooke--related by John Paine my 8th GG 1658-1718 and relationship is _________________________________

20 Edward Doty

21 Francis Eaton

22 Samuel Eaton

23 Sarah Eaton 

24 Moses Fletcher

25 Edward Fuller 1588-1625--related by Moses Payne my 11th GG 1580-1643 and relationship is ________________________________But also 25 Edward Fuller 1575-1621 and 1595-1620 by my 6th GG Stephen Payne 1716-1797 and relationship is _________________________

26 Mrs Edward Fuller

27 Samuel Fuller (twin of Edward)

28 Samuel Fuller

29 Stephen Hopkins

30 Elizabeth (Fisher) Hopkins

31 Giles Hopkins

32 Constance Hopkins 1606-1677--related by my 12th GG Nicholas Payne 1535-1616 but aslo 32 Constance Hopkins 1583-1644 but questionable also on moms side

33 John Howland

34 Richard More Moore 1550 --related by John Paine 8th GG 1658-1718 relationship is ___________________ But also 34 Richard Moore More 1560-1597 and 1597-1688 -- related by Stephen Paine 10th GGF 1600-1679

35 William Mullins

36 Priscilla Mullins

37 Degory Priest

38 Thoms Rogers

39 Joseph Rogers

40 Henry Samson

41 George Soule

42 Myles Standish

43 John Tilley

44 Joan (Hurst) Tilley

45 Elizabeth Tilley

46 Richard Warren

47 William White

48 Susanna (Jackson) White

49 Peregrine White

50 Resolved White

51 Edward Winslow

Note: there are some above that are questionable for DNA on my mothers side--later insight into that

Group 2- 1700's and after

Ancestry relationship may be slightly off


2 IA1586-1658-HP 3rd GG 1799-1866 relation is 1st C 10x

3 MNA-HP 3rd GG 1799-1866 relationship is _________________________

4 BA-HP 3rd GG 1799-1866 relationship is __________________________

5 MA-HP 3rd GG 1799-1866 relationship is ____________________________

6 RA-HP 3rd GG 1799-1866 relationship is ____________________________

7 JB-3rd GG 1799-1866 relationship is _______________________________

8 Elinor Billington _________________________________________________

9 FB-HP 3rd GG 1799-1866  relationship is ___________________________

10 WB-____________________________________________________

11 WB 1622-1719 To my mothers side Joseph Rogers 1771-1837

12 MB 1589-1631 -HP 3rd GG 1799-1866 But also MB 1569-1627 To my mothers side Philemon Clarke 1778-1856

13 LB-NP 1848-1941 2nd GG relationship __________________But 13 Mary Love Wentworth Brewster Guildersleeve 1569-1627 To my mothers side Philemon Clarke 1778-1856 relationship ________________________________________

14 PB-NP 1587-1633  2nd GG relationship ______________________________________

?? checking on missing a grandfather Nelson for the Chiltons and Browns around 1556 typo Nich not Nelson on my notes

15 JC-Nelson 

16 MJC-Nelson

17 MC-Nelson 

ok 1 of 3 columns done 1-17 try to finish today 18-51 finish later

Still numbers on thru lines

Group 3

Various MF names occuring after the arrival with smaller amounts of DNA






Burnap, Clara Alice27 June 1887 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America17 August 1891 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, Elizabethabt 1665-

Burnap, Elizabeth13 September 1696 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America10 May 1741 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, Ellen Lucinda5 July 1879 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America-

Burnap, George F25 October 1849 - Massachusetts31 December 1894 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, George Howard21 October 1889 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America12 February 1979 - Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of America

Burnap, HarrietAbt 1822 - Vermont-

Burnap, Harriet H1854 - Vermont30 July 1939 - Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut, U.S.

Burnap, Isaac31 January 1712 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America1780 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, Jacob18 August 1717 - Wakefield, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America10 December 1734 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, Joseph Capt24 March 1663 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America19 August 1744 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, KateAbt 1876 - Massachusetts-

Burnap, Lois23 March 1775 - Lyndeborough, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States of America1 May 1847 - Temple, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States of America

Burnap, Lucinda F1814 - Ashby, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America27 September 1852 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, Mary21 May 1643 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America15 January 1691 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, Mary Fideliaabt 1742 - Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA-

Burnap, Robert1595 - Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, England27 Sep 1689 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA

Burnap, Robert Robbart28 November 1627 - Hoddesdon, Broxbourne Borough, Hertfordshire, England18 October 1695 - Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States 

Burnap, Samuelabt 17492 January 1832

Burnap, Samuel Deacon24 Nov 1773 - Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, USA19 January 1842 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts

Burnap, Samuel12 October 1809 - Temple, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States of America4 March 1890 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, U.S.

Burnap, Sarahabt 1685 - Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA-

Burnap, Sewell Goodridge12 March 1802 - Temple, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States of America16 October 1874 - Holliston, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap, Theodore George15 December 1880 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America1 December 1881 - Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Burnap ? Burnett ?, Elizabeth III17 Feb 1738 - Hopkinton, Middlesex County, MA, USA27 Nov 1812 - Marlborough, Middlesex County, MA, USA

Burnap Barnet, Hannah2 March 1661 - Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA12 January 1723 - Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Burnap Burnop, Jacob ? Johnabt 170431 August 1771 - Scotland, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America


Chilton, Richard

1505 - Kent, England

30 November 1549 - Kent, England

Chilton ?, James

abt 1542

Chilton ? Clutton ? Gordon, Elizabeth

24 January 1777 - Essex, England

9 September 1853 - Southsea, Portsmouth Unitary Authority, Hampshire, England

Chilton Avery ? Noyce ? Winslow, Mary

1607 - England

16 May 1679 - Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Chilton Chandler, Isabell Isabella

January 1587 - Canterbury, City of Canterbury, Kent, England

Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States 

Chilton Chelton, Lyonell Lionell ? Anthony ?

1530 - St Pauls, Canterbury, Kent, England

25 Jan 1582 - Canterbury, Kent, England

Chilton Mayflower Compact, James

1556 - Canterbury, City of Canterbury, Kent, England

18 December 1620 - Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Chilton Winslow Sears Sayre Worden, Mary Magdalene

24 Dec 1610 - Droitwich, Worcestershire, England

26 Mar 1687 - Marshfield, Plymouth Massachusetts,


Cleaveland / Cleveland

Cleaveland, Alice

6 March 175731 July 1766 - Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Cleaveland, Francis Moses25 September 1797 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America5 February 1798

Cleaveland, Moses Gen29 January 1754 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America16 November 1806 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States 

Cleaveland Cleveland, Benjaminabt 1698-

Cleaveland Cleveland, Lucyabt 1726-

Cleveland, Aaron Col27 Nov 1727 - Canterbury, Conn4 Apr 1785 - Canterbury, Conn

Cleveland, Abigail5 Aug 1759 - Canterbury-

Cleveland, Ann29 Aug 1756 - Canterbury11 Mar 1759 - C

Cleveland, Bertha Lily13 September 1872 - Stowe, Lamoille County, Vermont, United States of America23 March 1934 - Stowe, Lamoille County, Vermont, United States of America

Cleveland, Camden8 Apr 1778 - Canterbury13 Mar 1826 - Liberty O

Cleveland, Ebenezer Rev25 Dec 1725 - Canterbury, Conn4 Jul 1805 - Gloucester, Sandy Bay

Cleveland, Elizabethabt 17002 Mar 1734/5 - Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA

Cleveland, Ichabod25 June 1695 - Southold, Suffolk County, New York, United States of America24 March 1768 - Southold, Suffolk County, New York, United States of America

Cleveland, Ichabod19 February 1739 - Southold, Suffolk County, New York, United States of America7 October 1818 - Southold, Suffolk County, New York, United States of America

Cleveland, John Rev11 Apr 1722 - Canterbury, Conn22 Apr 1799 - Ipswich, Essex, Mass

Cleveland, John28 February 1735 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America15 February 1818 - Colebrook, Coos County, New Hampshire, United States 

Cleveland, John Adams Dr28 Jun 1762 - Canterbury19 Mar 1820 - Thompson, Conn

Cleveland, Joseph27 June 1728 - Southold, Suffolk County, New York, United States of America13 November 1793 - Southold, Suffolk County, New York, United States of America

Cleveland, Josiah Jr7 October 1690 - Chelmsford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America9 February 1750 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America

Cleveland, Josiah Jr Capt4 Apr 1713 - Canterbury, Conn7 May 1793 - Canterbury, Conn

Cleveland, Julius Moses21 May 1805 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America31 Aug 1822 - Canterbury, Connecticut, USA

Cleveland, Lemuelabt 1722-

Cleveland, Lydia7 Dec 1704 - Canterbury5 June 1775 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America

Cleveland, Mary8 May 1667 - Chelmsford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America20 July 1743 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America

Cleveland, Mary Molly3 Jul 1765 - Canterbury12 Oct 1775 - C

Cleveland, Moses Gen8 Apr 1730 - Canterbury, Conn1 Jan 1741 - C

Cleveland, Moses1 September 1651 - Woburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America30 October 1717 - Southold, Suffolk County, New York, United States of America

Cleveland, Paine20 Mar 1768 - Canterbury31 May 1818 - Cincinnati, O

Cleveland, Sarah Sally4 Jun 1780 - Hanover, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA15 Oct 1840 - Salem, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA

Cleveland, SethAbt. 1725-

Cleveland, Timothy25 Aug 1702 - Canterbury, Conn19 Jan 1784 - C

Cleveland, William Pitt18 Dec 1770 - Canterbury3 Jan 1845 - New London, Conn

Cleveland Adams, Abigail3 Jun 1715 - Canterbury, Conn15 Dec 1782 - North Society, Canterbury, Conn

Cleveland Bradford, Mary29 Jun 1720 - Canterbury, Conn6 Aug 1765 - Canterbury, Conn

Cleveland Cleaveland, Aaron18 Jun 1750 - Canterbury19 Sep 1818 - Lebanon, N H

Cleveland Cleaveland, Edwardabt 1693-

Cleveland Cleaveland, Johnabt 1675-

Cleveland Morse, Elisha7 Jan 1717 - Canterbury, Conn-

Cleveland Morse, Keziah26 Nov 1711 - Canterbury, Conn4 September 1758 - Canterbury, Conn

Cleveland Paine Ensworth, Elizabeth ElisabethFebruary 1730 - Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, United States of America18 Jun 1788 - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA

Cleveland Pillsbury Pilsbury Cady, Lois11 Dec 1718 - Canterbury, Conn29 Sep 1736 - C

Cleveland Spalding Spaulding, Thankful29 Oct 1773 - Canterbury22 Sep 1810 - Providence, R I

Cleveland Woodward, Lydia16 Feb 1724 - C-


The Research above will stay and will be reorganized at a later time. I will add the high DNA last surnames on my family tree as I can and work on MFP 26-51 only first name. Limited to time. It is easy to find relationship values from one person to another and connect the dots to find location one--Around NY location two--Around Kansas and location Three Around California but it is harder to see the part that the direct line to MFP has with the other names such as Wife maiden name and Wifes mother's maiden name and your mother's maiden name. This is a group effort. It could be said that if all or most dirct lines to the MFP could find the high dna surnames and had higher Autism rates we could have somewhat of a strong answer. Because the Paynes have been around since before the 1620 and had families with many ....I will find the names of others by looking at the relationship of every Payne Paine De Payen Pane and looking at Location 1,2,3 , placing surnames of ......with the direct line of the person (well not dirct line of the person but all my family tree. This should help either to solve the mystery or not. Probably more insights as I go along. Merry Christmas!!

Copyright yesterday so I can get the courage to continue-hard to do this alone.

Question if the direct lines of MFP have less children/no children (more racial genetic differences in people added to the US) for the sake just saying--There would be less autism???? Just  a question.

Question for families of children with more severe symptoms of autism is there a number of more direct lines between the parents--higher number of direct lines to MF passengers for both parents. Direct lines are straight (could be almost straight) say your last name is Alden and you have a straight line to John Alden the MFP. In this question it is many straight lines for both parents that have a child/children with autism.

The Payne's--Working with each Payne, Paine, Pane, DePayen to find a list of relationship/relationship values for each crossovers and other surnames for detailing/finding high density of DNA MFP through time and place. I have some that I have found through first and last names of 1-25 MFP but that may change as this is detailed--to become a higher number of direct lines or almost direct lines. The higher the direct lines or almost direct lines can show a proof of Autism in theory. Theory that if you have too much of the MFP through the course of 400yrs then your probability of autism in your children would be very high. I will be also adding the 26-51 research that was not done above and this will increase the direct lines.  Adding the WMN-wife/wives maiden name, MMN of the X -mothers maiden name, will be used later and will increase the lines.

Concern: I know that I do not have direct lines (they are almost direct) with my mother's side but they become direct after say 100 yrs. Clark and Rogers will be also used.

To Clarify--I start with Reno Payne born 1904-1980 my dad so the WMN is my mothers. Nd it sarts out with the Baseline of my Family Tree/DNA tree. The MMN of the X is changed because X is the fathers on my Payne side. Start will be the year 1904 all the way to the year 1100-all fathers on my Payne side.This won't take too long. Then I will start with what I have for a list (very extended list of Payns on in my family tree with also details of the acronyms-made up acronyms. Later looking for results and allowing others to possibly start looking for direct lines and getting an idea of the possibility of truth from theory. I do not know. look at this for spelling..

Reno Rawlton Payne-  


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Fact: Male offspring get most of their genes from their mother

 I am example of this Fact along with my son. I am a True Direct Male Line ( TDML ) of High DNA of the Past.ut Are their other women of today that have sons with autism--Yes. Do they correlate with the high dna male to male past genealogy much like my family tree? If so, we could be labeling autism by way of a One for All Family tree but to include other women who may have the last maiden name of ......... (those males who came over in the 1600's). Since America has a minority number of caucasion and the discrepancy of higher number of causicion children-clue.

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A letter was written to a Dr around mid Nov 2024--Autism Research involves a foundation of DNA math and family genetic data from the One for All Tree--The Hugh De Payen tree with It has been developed in the most extreme way using hints and searches. Merging same info with same for over 11 years/25hr a week. My past occupation involved data but this is extreme. I am using myself to say that high dna can cause Autism (it is a theory based on blood and records of my family. My father is Reno Payne 1904-1980 and family tree shows Hugh de Payen as my GG... Grandfather. Many new wives and siblings are added and merged to show more truths and I have more GGG.... than anyone in Its coming up to 200k but many are not labeled with a relationship title. I am working with non hispaic whites but this could apply to other records in different countries. The existance of Autism is ever increasing and it could be because of high dna of the past. Too much of it, without diversity over 500 years. If it is a hit or miss for siblings in the family it could be shown by the public (since I have no one helping me). 3 dna tests can cost $120 but if you have a family with more than one child with autism you should be able to help with this research. How? If the children have the same higher number of cm's going to one parent. This parent could be the high dna of the past parent. It is the case in my family. I would be willing to help in finding the pathway to high dna as I have the foundation / template / family tree / bloodline for this to happen. If we can be aware of how it became we can do so much more. 

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